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"Jacob," she spoke quietly down the phone,

"Connie, what's happened? I'm leaving now, I'm on my way,"

"Don't panic, the babies are coming, my contractions are just starting."

He flew through the door to see her with her hand on her stomach, sat on the sofa. Dotty sat beside her, the dog cuddling into her gently,

"It's okay Dot; it's time to meet your sisters," she smiled, "I don't think we need to go in yet,"

"I'll run you a bath," he nodded; before leaning forward and kissing her forehead, "tell me if the pain gets too bad,"

"Join me in the bath," she smiled and he nodded.

"I think I need to go in," she told him, "the contractions are increasing,"

He smiled, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and taking her bag for her.

He smiled as she insisted she walk up to maternity. She had to stop every now and again due to the increasing pain with the contractions.

"Okay... Connie, your first girl is breech... I think we may have to carry out a Caesarean section,"

She nodded, "I don't think I can push anymore,"

The midwife nodded, "okay, I'll find the Consultant and the Anaesthetist and we will be back,"

"Sit down," she told him quietly and he squeezed her hand,

He stroked her hair from her forehead, "you're very beautiful,"

He held her hand as they took her down to theatre. She was quiet and he knew she was worried, "they'll be out and with us before you know it," he smiled and she nodded,

"I'm scared," she spoke quietly and he kissed her mouth gently,

"You'll all be okay," he smiled,

"Connie Chase, the one and only," the anaesthetist smiled, and she grinned, her fears at once diminished,

"Paul," she smiled, wrapping her arms tightly around his shoulders, "when did you come back... Oh there's so much I need to tell you,"

He smiled kindly, "let's get the three of you through this, then we have all the time in the world to catch up," he smiled,

"Jacob, this is Paul Rose, my favourite anaesthetist,"

Jacob shook his hand, pleased with the change in Connie's mood,

"I promise I'll look after her," he nodded and Jacob smiled.

The next thing Connie knew was the feel of Jacobs hand covering her own as she dosed in the chair beside her. She smiled, before squeezing his hand and watching as he woke,

"How are you sweet cheeks?" He asked and she smiled, "I feel like I've been kicked in the stomach and given too many drugs,"

"They're so beautiful," he smiled, "they're up on paeds HDU as a precaution..."

"When can we see them."

"Tomorrow," he smiled, "they're sleeping and I'll bring them down here in the morning,"

She ran her fingertips across his cheeks, "the caesarean as given me a big scar," she uttered, her nose crinkling, "now I have two scars on my stomach,"

He tucked her hair behind her ears, "I think you're the most beautiful woman on this earth," he told her gently, "the scars show you've given birth to our children, don't let them bother you."

She smiled at him, "what did I do to deserve you staff nurse masters,"

He kissed her mouth firmly, "I ask myself that everyday."

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