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"Jacob," Charlie interjected as he watched him suture a cut, "a word..."

"What's happened?" He asked,

"Have you seen Connie today?" was all he needed to utter before Jacob stood up, "is she okay,"

"She's in her office, go gently with her... Take the rest of the shift off and take her home."

Jacob nodded, knocking on her office door, gasping as he saw her attempting to write some notes, her hand clutching her bruised stomach,

"Don't look at me like that," she uttered and he was by her side in a second, kneeling in front of her.

"Can I see?" He asked, pulling up her top and running his fingers gently across her bruised stomach. "It's just superficial bruising," she uttered, "I feel so stupid, he's in a wheelchair and he managed to do this to me,"

"That's a hell of a bruise sweetheart," he uttered, "will you let me ultrasound it to check there's no internal damage?"

She winced as he gently touched her neck,

"Come on..." He soothed and she felt tears roll from her eyes,

"It hurts to stand... It's getting worse,"she admitted, "I don't know if I can stand Jacob," she told him and he nodded,

He lifted her gently, leading her through the ED, requesting Zoe as he did so.

He held her hand as Zoe sighed, "your spleen is ruptured Con... How did you even drive here? I'll call theatres now."

Jacob sat beside her, "do you want me to back off... People will talk and we haven't even discussed..."

She shook her head, "no... Please stay with me,"

He leaned forward so his hand took hers, his other arm stroked her hair from her forehead,

"Sweet Cheeks I'll stay with you for as long as you want me here."

He sat outside the operating theatre, his head in his hands. "She will be okay, she's strong," Zoe nodded,

"I knew he was angry and I..." He shrugged, "but I didn't realise it was quite so bad,"

"She's good at hiding things."

He exhaled,

"So... You been together long?" Zoe asked, "I'm not judging you... If I'm honest she's been happier the past few months, I thought maybe Michael had got better but... Now I can see its down to you."

"We're not together," he admitted, "I mean we're friends and we've kissed but..." He shrugged, "most importantly I'm her friend,"

She opened her eyes and smiled as she saw Jacob sat beside her fast asleep. She slipped her hand into his and watched as he opened his eyes, "welcome back," he smiled, "how are you feeling?"

"Sore," she whispered, "but better than I did before the op,"

"Can you stay," she spoke quietly, "I know he can't hurt me here, but I feel better when you're near,"

"I'm not going anywhere," he told her honestly, "I feel better when I know where you are," he smiled, his hands brushing her hair back gently, "You want some company in there?"

She nodded, "please."

He took off his shoes and his jumper, before slipping into the small hospital bed beside her and cuddling her gently,

"You had me worried back there," he told her as she slept soundly on his chest, "I wish you'd told me how bad it was, I'm your friend and I hate to think that you couldn't tell me."

"He's never been that bad before," she admitted quietly,

"Go to sleep, you need the rest," he told her, cuddling her too him and kissing her hair softly,

"Thank you," she whispered and he ran his hand up and down the skin of her back, "sleep," he whispered, "you'll feel better tomorrow I promise."

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