Time away

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She lay in her underwear, her hair and make up done as she spoke on the phone to Duffy. Jacob smiled as he came out of the shower, they made love in the shower and she'd managed to pull herself away from him to get ready for dinner.

"All okay back home?" He asked as she put down the phone and stood up, wrapping her arms around his waist,

"All good, the girls are asleep for now," she smiled,

"You're a good mum," he smiled, unable to hide the love he felt for her as she pulled away from him and slipped into her dress.

"Jesus Christ," he uttered,

She raised an eyebrow, "I thought you'd be used to me by now,"

He kissed her forehead gently, "you still take my breath away,"

"Come on," she smiled, "I'm hungry."

"Is it bad that I'm so grateful to have a few days to ourselves?" She asked and he shook his head,

"No I think it's quite normal," he smiled.

They sat, much as they would have done before they had children. He ran his fingers over the top of her hand and she placed her wine on the table and smiled at him, "I still can't believe we're parents," she admitted, "i told myself it wasn't going to happen, that I was too old and..." She smiled, "if I'm honest this is the happiest I've been in a really long time,"

She entered their room to see candles lit and rose petals scattered across the bed.

"Jacob Masters, what are you up too?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

He took her hands, before getting down on one knee, "I love you," he told her quietly, "you are the most wonderful woman and mother and doctor... I want you to be my wife, I want to marry you and I want the world to know we're together... Will you marry me Con?"

She caught the tears in his eyes and she felt them spring to her own,


She smiled, "stand up,"

He kissed her mouth once, "say something, I'm nervous enough," he smiled,

"Yes," she spoke breathlessly, "of course I'll marry you,"

He couldn't help the tears that ran down his cheeks and she wrapped her arms around his neck,

"I love you," she told him gently, watching as he slipped the ring onto her shaking hand.

"I can't wait to call you my wife,"

They lay in a tired slumber in the early hours of the morning. He had his arm wrapped around her waist, his hand holding his as she kissed his forearm, "I think you're out for breaking some sort of record... It's been a long time since we've had that much sex,"

His breathe tickled her neck as she laughed and squeezed her too him, "I can't help it, you look and feel incredible,"

She looked at the ring on her finger and turned to face him, slipping her arm under his, her fingers running up and down her back, "the ring is perfect," she smiled happily as she closed her eyes.

"So are you sweetcheeks," he whispered and found himself watching her as she slept against his chest. He exhaled, he had never experienced this level of happiness and he knew it was all down to the women that lay so close to him.

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