chapter one.

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'Right, where is it again?' James asks me, grabbing me by my arm; taking me over to the big, glass map.

Honestly, i forgot how big this place was. Like, when i came here for the first time to do my audition, i had someone to escort me to and fro but now -- now it's just me and James. It's quite daunting, in a roundabout way.

'How am i supposed to know?' I reply, following the map lines with my index finger.

'You're the one who's auditioning, not me!'  James exclaims, lightly kissing me on the top of the forehead before turning into a professional map reader. 'Right, I think we need to go that way'

Oh my, pound to a penny we suddenly get lost!

Mine and James's arms entwine as we start to find our way. This place is so big; there's like a million and one doors and a thousand maps. After a good half-hour of searching, we finally find the right place. A sign is plastered onto the front door 'TWD -- rehearsals this way'. My heart has suddenly leapt into my throat and my anxiety levels have slightly rose. I don't know why i feel so nervous, i mean; the audition was more stressful than this!

'Right, here you are m'lady!' James says to me, breaking out into a humorous bow.

'James? I'm scared, what if i mess everything up? What if i faint?!' I tell him, my heart beating faster and faster every second.

'Hey, hey, hey. Look at me, you are not going to faint or mess anything up. I swear' James replies to me, turning my face towards him and looking me dead in the eye. 'You, Ivy Cookson, need to stop worrying your pretty little head and start focusing on all the walkers you're going to brain. Ok?'

He hugs me tightly before making his way back to the car, his trench coat flying behind him whilst trying to look like a model. Unfortunately, he tripped over his own two feet which killed the vibe. My poor, innocent, little bean.

I push open the door, my once perfect hair flying behind me. People scurry around the set with fake prosthetics, clothing rails with more leather on them than the entire population of Hell's angels move backwards and forwards; half ready-made walker's waddle past, taking method acting seriously. In it's way, its quite amazing.

'Chandler! Look, it's the new girl!' a girl shouts, bounding her way over to me with her long, chestnut brown hair flying behind her. The famous Chandler Riggs walking behind her, it's weird seeing him without an eye patch on. Me and my dad call him 'patchy' whenever he appears.

'Don't scare her, for god's sake!' Chandler says, making his way closer towards me.

'Hi, are you Ivy?' the girl asks, her eyes sparking with excitement. 'I'm Eleanor!'

'Yeah, hi! and you must be Chandler? Am i correct?' I reply, my face breaking into a wry smile.

'Wow, i'm impressed. Most people usually call me Carl. Or Coral, if your Ellie' Chandler tells me, giving me a brief hug; as does Eleanor.

'You love it really'  Eleanor says to him, nudging him before he tackles her into a hug. A bunch of squeals and playful hitting occur.

'So, do you know where the changing rooms are?' I ask them, my eyes darting around the room.

'Yeah, i'll show you!' Eleanor replies to me, taking my hand and escorting to me to a bunch of separate changing rooms. Clothes come flying in and out of the cubicles, a bunch of scattered voices make up the atmosphere.

'Yours should be at the end, your clothes should already be in there' Eleanor tells me, before skipping back to Chandler.

Aw, they are so cute together. It's very cute.

I make my way to my changing room, shutting the curtain behind me as i start to get undressed. The cold draught makes my body shiver. It's actually quite a cool outfit, especially the jacket.

'OH SHIT!' a voice shouts from behind me 'I'm so sorry, i thought it was empty!' as i turn around in a start

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'OH SHIT!' a voice shouts from behind me 'I'm so sorry, i thought it was empty!' as i turn around in a start.

'You're-re-re-re Jeffrey Dea-n-n Morgan!' I shout, my heart flying out of my chest and my eyes dilating to the size of small planets.

'And you're Ivy? Aren't you?' Jeffrey asks me, letting out a laugh and his face breaking out into a cheshire cat smile.

'Yeah, yeah i am. Sorry, i'm in shock. I've been wanting to meet you for i don't know how long!' I tell him, my face breaking out into a wry smile and my face turning to a faded red as i just realised what i said.

'Well now you have sweetheart!  I should let you know, i don't go barging into random girl's changing rooms for fun. Well, unless someone pretty is in them' Jeffrey tells me, suddenly turning into Negan with his smile and his posture. Oh god, that Negan smile. It sends my heart wild.

'Oh yeah? When did that happen?' I laugh out, my heart attaching itself back into my chest; although my eyes are still as wide as humanly possible.

'Just then' Jeffrey replies to me, looking me up and down; winking.

My, i think i just died.

'Where are you heading?'  Jeffrey asks me, leaning against the changing room door.

'Um, hair' I tell him, my eyes fixated onto his and my heart trying to flee again.

'So am i. Do you want to walk together then?' Jeffrey asks me, tilting his head to the side.

'Oh my, yes!' I tell him as we begin to walk together; the smell of his perfume intoxicating my senses and sending an army of butterflies to my stomach again.

I can't believe this! I'm walking with Jeffrey Dean Morgan! The Jeffrey Dean Morgan!

Someone pinch me.

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