chapter two.

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Jeffrey Dean Morgan POV

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Jeffrey Dean Morgan POV

'So, what do you think so far?' I ask her, pulling out a stool for her.

Huh, she seems alright. I mean, a bit young but... i don't mind.

'Oh, i love it! It's really different from what i'm used too' Ivy replies to me, moving from side to side to get comfy; her cheeks tinted with a faint rose.

'And what, what are you usually used to sweetheart?' I ask her, signalling with my index finger to Juliet, the stylist.

'Usually, i have to analyse bits of a mannequin with a red corn-flour syrup what stains your hand for a year and a bit whilst pulling my hair into excruciatingly tight pigtails' Ivy tells me, her face being sweeped into a high ponytail with a plait down the middle of it.

'Yet you still look manage to look pretty. How unique' I reply to her, letting out a smirk; looking her up and down briefly as she blushes again.

It's kinda cute.

'R-r-really? Yo-o-ou think so?' Ivy stutters out, her eyes lighting up like a child's on christmas day.

'Oh yeah, definitely!' I reply, my heart fluttering.

Well, this is weird. I am.. well was.. married twice and this feeling started to appear halfway through the relationship but with Ivy; it's like i've known her forever and a day. She's only been here for about, i don't know, two hours? three? and i actually want to kiss her.

'Stop it!' i think to myself, holding back my urge.

Fuck, well this is hard.

As Juliet moves away from Ivy, she then comes over to me, styling my hair into the pyschopath i am (fictionally) of course as i glance over at Ivy.

Her eyes are transfixed on her phone, typing at the speed of light. Her left eyebrow raises up slowly as she lets out a small laugh.

'Ya'know that she can see you staring at her, don't ya?' Juliet mutters to me, making my body jolt upwards slightly 'Aw, has little Jeffy got a crushie?'

'Shut up, no i haven't' I reply, turning my head towards the brightly lit mirror in front of me and suddenly, obtaining the attitude of a twelve-year old.

Brilliant, just brilliant.

'Ah, c'mon now honey. You would have to be blind not to see it, ya muppet. You have been flirting with her since the moment you saw her!' Juliet tells me, throwing my script onto my lap and spraying hairspray in my hair 'Present for ya'

'What, no. Well... no i haven't. Ah shit, fine i have' I exclaim, slumping down into my chair as Juliet just laughs, her laugh tinkling in the atmosphere.

'Well, don't ya worry my sweet. She likes ya, god knows why' Juliet says to me, grabbing me by the shoulders and propping me up on the seat.

'How?' I ask bewildered, my brain trying to understand how in hell did she figure out she liked me.

'It's a girl thing, we can always tell when a girl fancies someone honey. A'ight, let me put it in layman terms for ya. If Ivy didn't like you or even have any bit of interest in ya, she wouldn't be sitting across from ya with a grin across her face; now would she?' Juliet explains to me, putting her brushes and stuff her 'batman' utility belt as i so lovingly name it because it seems to have nearly everything in it.

With a quick pat on the back, Juliet scurries off into the distance.

'Um, Ivy?' I say to her, moving my chair beside her and  opening my script.

'Hmmm?' Ivy replies, using her index finger to go over her lines.

'I was wondering if yo-'

'IVY! JEFFREY! YOU'RE NEEDED!' a bellowing voice shouts from the over side of the studio.

'Jesus!' Ivy exclaims, hopping off her seat 'Sorry, you were saying something?'

'Ah, i'll ask you later' I reply, getting off my seat and grabbing her hand. 'It's not important at the moment. Anyway sweetheart, you don't want to be late? Do you?'

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