chapter three.

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Ivy Cookson's POV

'AND CUT! THAT'S A WRAP EVERYONE! GREAT WORK TODAY IVY!' the director shouts, hopping down off his chair and walking off with a gaggle of people at his heel

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'AND CUT! THAT'S A WRAP EVERYONE! GREAT WORK TODAY IVY!' the director shouts, hopping down off his chair and walking off with a gaggle of people at his heel.

I've  only been working on this show for what? about eight hours? and i love it to bits! I absolutely love the cast to bits! They were all so lovely to me, helping me with how i had to aim my gun and how to dodge when the prosthetics of the Walker explodes. And Jeffrey, oh my. I know that he's the 'Villianous Negan'  but fuck me, the minute he started to act like him, my head was filled with thoughts what would make a nun cringe whilst throwing holy water on me. He's just too pretty not to fall hopelessly in love with. Making my way over to my dressing room, I get interrupted my Andrew.

'Ivy! Need to ask you something!' Andrew exclaims, slapping his hands together as if he's making a grand announcement.

'Sure, what?' I reply, brushing out my hair with my fingers and letting out a smile. He reminds me a bit of an over-excited, cute puppy.

'Me and the guys have been talking and we were wondering to celebrate your arrival, we were wondering if you would like to go out tonight? Norman has got a bunch of tickets to go to this horror themed restaurant what just opened called The Cleavers Arm so we thought we would go' Andrew tells me.

'That sounds amazing! I would love too! But, can i bring my friend? He's been anxious all day about how i'm getting on and everything, it's quite cute really' I reply, my face breaking out into a grin at the thought of James's face. He will be so happy!

'Yeah, that's fine Ivy. So, say about half-six? You can't miss it, it's Andrew asks me, grabbing his phone out of his pocket and sending a brief text to someone.

'YES! I mean, yeah sure; that's fine' I say, my cheeks going berry-red again. Swear my brain is two seconds ahead of my heart, it never thinks before i talk.

'Well someone is over-excited' Andrew laughs out and with a brief wave, he jumps onto the clothes rail and gets wheeled away; finishing in a super-man pose.

I make my way back to my changing room, shutting the curtain behind me and beginning to get undressed. This still feels like a dream. Not only am i starring on one of the best shows in the world, i'm spending a whole night with my best friend and Laura and Andrew and everyone. I slide on my autumn red jumper, my petticoated skirt, put my trusted brown boots and grab my bag from the hooks.

I unzip my bag as i frantically search for my phone; you know, for a small bag, it's got the interior of the TARDIS. Eventually, my hand brushes it and i pull it out to reveal a million and one messages from James.

my little wizard  - ivy, where are you? i've been waiting outside the entrance for ages and i keep thinking i'm going to get attacked by a zombie xx
my little wizard - i also popped out and got us a milkshake each, no need to thank me yet but i do expect a hug from you later xx

Aw, he's so cute. I'm lucky to have him as a best friend, really; i would be lost without him. Rapidly, i send him a text back saying i'm coming now and drop the phone into my bag again.

'So, is that smile for me?' A voice behind me says, making me turn around in a start as my heart beats against my chest and a jolt of fear flows across my body.

'Jesus h. christ!' I shout, realising it's Jeffrey; my heart beating against my chest as i start to pat down non-exsistant hairs on my head 'You scared me'

'Sorry darling, i seem to have that affect on you?' Jeffrey replies to me, letting out a laugh before doing his signature wink.

Well, that's my ovaries gone. Again.

'Yes you do, you bampot!' I exclaim, realising what i just said and covering my mouth with my hand.

'A what?'  Jeffrey asks me, laughing again but louder than before.

'Oh shit, i'm sorry! If i get scared or anything like that my normal vocabulary turns into an angry scotsman vocabulary' I explain to him, letting out a half-smile and praying he doesn't think i'm a freak,

'Oh Ivy, you do make me laugh' Jeffrey begins to tell me, pulling me into a hug 'Anyways, are you going to this party thing tonight?'

'MmHmmm' I mutter out, refusing to let go of him until he lets me go. 'Are you?'

'Of course, it's for you. Why wouldn't i go?' Jeffrey replies to me, a smile beaming on his face and his little left dimple showing vaguely.

'Yay!' I reply, copying his beaming smile and my eyes lighting up.

'Well, see you tonight then, my fair zombie killer' Jeffrey says to me, kissing my left hand and walking off into the distance; swinging Lucille from side to side behind him.

I think i've actually died. I actually have.

'IVY!' someone shouts behind me, my brain registering that it's James due to his cute English accent. What i wouldn't do for a voice like that.

'JAMES!' I shout back, running up to him as he takes me into a flying hug. 'Why aren't you in the car?'

'I got bored waiting so i thought i would come and escort you back' James tells me as i entwine my arm with his as we make our way out of the building.

'How thoughtful of you, my little bibble' I reply to him, planting a brief kiss on his cheek like usual.

Literally,  i can't wait for tonight. It's going to be so fun!

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