chapter eleven (part two).

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ivy cookson's POV

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ivy cookson's POV

'Ow' I moan out, wiping my eyes with the my index finger; mascara smudged on my finger. 'Fuck, my eyes hurt'

Sitting myself up, I place my feet gently on the wooden floor below me. Ugh, I feel so stupid. Mainly because of fainting in front of everyone and the other... well you can sort of guess the other reason why i feel so stupid.

'I look like a panda' I say to myself, catching a glance at myself in James's wardrobe mirror.

I get up out of bed, wrapping James's dressing gown around me and brush my hair roughly with my hands and wiping my eyes with some wipes what i found in his drawer.

Right, i think i look okay. Well, okay as someone can look when all the tears in their body have escaped. I open the door before i'm bombarded by my mum runs up to me and giving me a hug.

'Mum? What are you doing here?!' I ask her, hugging her back and kissing her on the cheek. 'Is everything okay?'

'James's told us everything what happened love. I can't believe what he did to you, it's bang out of order sweetheart' Mum tells me, letting me go from her embrace and leading me to the living room 'He's a complete numpty if you ask me'

'Yeah, i suppose' I reply to her, letting out a little sigh as she pulls me close 'Where is James anyway mum?'

'He's with dad and Greg' Mum says to me, letting out a big smile as i run into the living room.

'GREG! YOU'R HERE!' I shout out, running up to him and giving him a massive hug; burying his head in his neck.

'Of course I am Vee, someone hurt my little sister. I was out of university anyway to give you a surprise visit at work but i guess that surprise has come early' Greg begins to say to me, swinging me around like he did when i was five and he was eleven. 'Really though, i'm still pissed at this guy who broke your heart'

'So am i, pet' Dad chirps up as Greg puts me down and plonks me down inbetween himself and James. 'The bawbag, who does he think he is? Don't worry, he cannae come any'here near ye when i'm here'

'How did you know what happened anyway? Did Andrew ring you?' I ask quizzically, snuggling into Greg.

'No sweetheart, James rang us and told everything. He even rung Greg!' Mum tells me as James's face turns a faint red.

'Really?' I ask him, my face breaking into a little smile and letting out a little laugh.

'Yup, he's really fond of ye' Dad says to me, draping his arm around the back of the sofa as he smiles.

'Jethro, stop embarrassing him' Mum says to him, giving him a death-eater stare.

'What?' Dad replies, smiling still as James moves his way over to me.

'Right, i'm going to make us all a brew!' Greg exclaims to us all, hopping himself up and making his way into the kitchen.

'I'll help you, pet' Mum chirps up, following him as James comes and sits next to me; much to the amusement of my dad.

'Ain't you a little cutie-pie' I say to James, hugging him tightly.

'Don't worry about it doll-face, it's you. Why wouldn't i he-' James begins to say to me when the buzzer goes, making me and him jump out of our skin.

'I'll get it, you two lovebirds stay there' Dad says to us as i throw a pillow at him which he narrowly dodges.

'Hello?' James asks pressing the buzzer 'If you're sellin' something, leave or i'll get me gun on ye'

'Oh sorry, i was looking for Ivy Cookson. It's Andrew' the voice speaks back, sounding crackly.

'It's fine, you can let him in. It's someone who Ivy works with' James tells him, pulling me closer as dad presses the buzzer to let him in.

'Are you sure it was him James? It's just that his voice sounded a lot deeper' I ask him, turning around to face him as my dad sits back down; flicking through the telly channels.

'Yeah, Andrew said that he was coming over later after rehearsals. Anyways, you know what our intercom is like' James reassures me, stroking with my hair when we here three repetitive knocks at the door.

'Ah, alright then' I reply to him as my dad goes and opens the door.

'Who on god's holy earth are you?' Dad shouts out, being pushed to the side of the wall as the door slams behind him.

'Ivy, ivy where are you?!' the voice shouts and then it hits me.. that's not Andrew at all.

It's Jeffrey.

'A'ight that's it. Come here' Dad shouts, pushing himself off the wall and trying to grab him by the shoulders; a move which Jeffrey dodges.

'Jeffrey! What the fuck?!' I shout out, leaving James's embrace and making my way over to him.

'T-that's Jeffrey?' Dad pants out, his face turning red from all the anger inside of him 'You're the twat who broke my wee daughter's heart?'

'Ivy! I'm so sorry, i didn't mean it at all. It meant nothing, i promise. You're the one that i want' Jeffrey begins to tell me as my mum, Greg and James make their over towards me 'I don't want Lauren, i want you!'

'You're the idiot who broke my little sister's heart?' Greg shouts out, standing in front of me in a protective manner with James on my left hand side.

'Jeffrey, just leave. You're making all this worse than it needs to be!' I tell him, moving in front of Greg much to the dismay of my dad.

'You're going to pay for this, i swear' Dad shouts out, trying to hit him before my mum restrains him.

'Ivy, please!' Jeffrey says to me, grabbing me by the wrist and kissing me on the lips.

'Oh, that's it!' James shouts out, pulling me away and hitting Jeffrey across the face before pulling back 'Fuck me, that hurt!'

'Good one James' Dad pants out, my mum still restraining him from attacking him any further.

'Ivy, I love you. Please' Jeffrey shouts out, cradling the side of his face 'I won't give up, just watch' he finishes off, walking out of the door with a hefty slam.

'Oh my god, James!' I say, walking over to him and having a look at his hand 'You absolute numpty!'

So, I've been awake for about a hour and there has already been a fight. Brilliant.

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