Act V Scene i

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Act V

Scene i

Marriott, Albany


TIMOTHY: I’ll admit... I’m nervous.

LEONARDO: Don’t worry. You two are both crazy for each other. Everything will go fine.

TIMOTHY: That’s not what I’m worried about. What if I forget what I have to say?

DERICK: All you have to say is ‘I do’.

TIMOTHY: What if I forget that?

LEONARDO: Pull yourself together, man!

TIMOTHY: I’m trying!

DERICK: I think he’s going to pass out.

LEONARDO: Nah, this is just the normal pre-wedding-ceremonial jitters.

DERICK: Okay, yeah. I think I saw that in a movie once. I can’t wait to see Halle in her dress. She was really excited about being a bridesmaid.

LEONARDO: So was Hana.



HAILEY: I’m really nervous.

HALLE: You will be fine. He’s probably more nervous than you are.

HANA: Oh, he’s definitely more nervous than you are. He’s my brother, and I know him. He’s probably doubled over in a cold sweat and the boys are probably out of their minds wondering how the wedding will go on if the groom dies.

HAILEY: What?!

HANA: Don’t worry he’ll be fine. You just have to be strong for the both of you.

HAILEY: Okay. I’ll try.

HALLE: Should we tell you a story or something to keep your mind off it?

HAILEY: Story? Okay. Anything to keep me from passing out from all the nervous anticipation.

HANA: Okay, once upon a time, there was a boy and a girl.

HALLE: And they were in love.

HANA: But there was another boy and another girl.

HALLE: They used to be in love but now only the girl loves the boy and the boy is in love with the other girl who’s in love with the other boy.

HANA: Let’s call the couple in love girl one and boy one

HALLE: And the other couple that isn’t in love anymore is girl two and boy two.

HANA: Girl one’s father doesn’t like boy one and wants her to be with boy two.

HALLE: But girl one doesn’t like boy two.

HANA: And girl one and girl two were best friends so obviously girl one wouldn’t want to be with her friend’s ex.

HALLE: Especially when girl two was also in love with him.

HANA: And then it was almost time for the summer fair.

HALLE: Of course, girl one wanted to go with boy one.

HANA: But her father wouldn’t want her to, so she had to create a genius plan with boy one so that they could go together.

HALLE: And boy two wasn’t supposed to know about it.

HANA: Girl one told girl two about the secret plan.

HALLE: And girl two accidently told boy two, so now everybody knew about the plan except girl one’s father.

HANA: Actually, he never found out about it.

HALLE: Really?

HANA: Yeah... anyway, girl one didn’t know that girl two told boy two.

HALLE: So when girl one and boy one saw boy two at the fair, they were very upset.

HANA: So, they ran into one of the tents to hide.

HALLE: And they saw the magician for a magic show that was one of the main attractions of the fair.

HANA:  They knew the magician from school.

HALLE: They were in the same class so after they explained their troubles, the magician offered to let them hide in the tent while they set up for the show.

HANA: But when the magic show started, boy two and girl two came in and saw girl one and boy one and sat next to them.

HALLE: The magician hypnotized his assistant and made her fall in love with him.

HANA: But he accidently hypnotized boy one and boy two as well.

HALLE: Just when he hypnotized his assistant, and the boys, girl two spilled her drink.

HANA: So both of the boys looked at her and fell in love with her.

HALLE: So they all went to find the magician to de-hypnotize boy one, but not boy two because he was finally in love with girl two, which is a great thing

HANA: The magician tried to de-hypnotize him, but it didn’t work. So he tried again and it still didn’t work.

HALLE: So then, the magician’s brother came in and tried.

HANA: And it worked! Boy one fell back in love with girl one.

Enter HAILEY’s dad

HAILEY’S DAD: Honey, it’s time. Are you okay?

HAILEY: Wait! I want to know how it ends!

[HANA and HALLE grin]

HANA: We’ll let you know when it’s over.



well, ladies and gentlemen, it is over.


song on the side is You & I by Park Bom :)

Bekka is OUT! 


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