The Cure Doesn't Work

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Chapter One

Three Years Later...

"Tala, I think I have it!" I exclaimed.

"Please tell you do have it this time. The one before made a hair smell weird for a week." She groaned.

"This is it." I assured her. "It is every ingredient and all the directions."

"Ok." She mumbled.

I handed her the cup. She look at it cautiously and then drank it. Her form wavered a bit. The ghostly aura around her had faded, but so,etching was right. She stumbled backwards a but dropping the cup. Her grabbed her hands to keep her from falling. I helped her to the couch and she sat down.

"How do you feel?" I asked,

"I feel alive, but sicker than any sickness know from this earth to the moon and beyond." She groaned.

"That's not right. You should be alive and healthier than ever." I mumbled. "Instead your alive and sicker than ever. I don't understand. What did I miss?"

I flipped through the pages of the book of cures I had made over the years of homemade remedies. I noticed that a page had been ripped out. Curse the goddess. I threw the book across the room cursing. Tala sat on the bed wide eyed in fear. I sighed and calmed myself.

"A piece is missing?" She guessed.

"Yeah, the most important part and even worse, I haven't a clue what it is." I sighed.

"What are we going to do?" She asked.

"Well, you can't do much in your state. I say you stay here while I try and figure this out." I suggested.

"No, I want to help you!" She insisted.

I determination in your eyes made me want to let her help, but it was dangerous. Not physically but mentally. I would have to explore my past which is somewhere no one should have to do. Yet, it is the only way to save her. Having Tala come... well, she wouldn't understand it and would think I have been lying to her. I can not risk her going through that.

"Tala, the way you can best help me is by staying here. Be safe. In case... in case I don't come back the same..." I sighed. "I will never forget you, Tala Silver."

She opened her mouth to say something, but I had already made my way to the door. When it was closed behind me, I slumped down to the ground and sat against the door. I was leaving the one person I love the most and going out to find the person I hated the most. My dear little sister left us after a disagreement and now hates me. I just hope Tala doesn't hate me. Then, my life could end at any moment.


I walked into the coffee shop. I saw her sitting by a window waiting. I sat down across from her. She looked at me with concern.

"Why have you come, Mark?" She asked trying to lead me astray with a voice any other guy would thing angelic.

"You know why I have come, Tera." I sighed. "You and I were the only two people who knew were the book was. What did you do with the paper?"

"Nothing. What would I need with that book?" She asked.

"You have your strange reasons." I said.

"Strange reasons." She said sounding offended. "Don't forget I'm the only one who knows the ingredient to save your darling mate!"

"Then, please. Tell me your price for the ingredient." I sighed.

"I have no price cause I don't have the ingredient and I'm not going to tell you." She sighed. "You have to figure that out yourself."

"Come on please." I begged as she stood collecting her things. "I'll do anything."

"Then, do what need to do." She sassed. "Go into your past."

She walked out of the shop. I slumped down in my chair. There was only one person left I could turn to before having to go to my past. I have no why of knowing if they remember out deal. I better hope so or else they won't help me. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through the contacts. I found them and called, hating every second.

"Hello." They answered.

"We need to talk. You know the place." I said.

"You know the price." They said.

"You owe the favor." I growled.

"Six." They hung up.

Geez, always ending the conversation in strange ways. What is six even supposed to mean? I sighed and rubbed my face. I looked across from me to notice someone sitting there. She was a lot younger than anyone here. She had brunette hair slightly curled, green-blue eyes, and her skin was so light it was almost white. She looked only 13.

"Um, hello." I said.

"You're Mark, right?" She asked.

"Yes, who are you?" I asked.

"The name is Rachel." She smiled. "You and I have some work to do."

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