Last Chances

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Chapter Fifteen
Louis's Pov~

I woke up and saw Eleanor was gone. I got out of bed and looked around for her but she wasn't anywhere in the room. I walked out into the hall and noticed everyone was back. They all stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

Andrew emerged from the back of the crowd. "Sorry for the crowd, sir. They didn't know what to do."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"One if the guards caught the princess sneak out last night and no one knows we she is." He sighed.

"Well, don't just stand here. Go out on search parties and everyone else done your normal routines!" I ordered.

They all did what they were told and then, Kara come running up the stairs. She ran over to me and gave me a big hug.

"I missed you." She said.

"I missed you, too." I smiled. "But we have big problems right now."

"What is it?" She asked.

"Eleanor has gone missing and we have to talk about something. There is a lot you guys missed." I explained.

"Well, right now we focus on the princess." Andrew sighed. "Do you know where she might go?"

"Anywhere." I sighed. "She goes where her feet take her."

"Great." He growled. "Now she'll never be found."

"Don't lose hope, Andrew." Kara smiled. "I can find her."

"How?" I asked.

"Well, after the first time she went missing, I used this spell. I can get an image of what she sees by saying a specific word." She explained. "I used a minor mind link spell on her."

"Well, find her!" I demanded.

"Ok." She muttered.

She closed her eyes and said something. She stood their for a while with many different expressions. She shook her head and opened her eyes. She shrugged.

"It didn't work?" Andrew questioned.

"She doesn't want to be found, but she is safe and near. Plus, she's with a friend." She smiled. "I'm gonna join them. You two can't come though, girls only thing."

Kara turned on her heel and skipped down the hall until she was down the stairs, out of sight. Andrew stood beside me disappointed.

"So, how was the first night back with your mate?" I asked.

"What?" He asked a bit alarmed. "Oh... um... fine."

"Dude, what's wrong? You seem a bit on edge." I said.

"Nothing." He said. "Why?"

"Oh, no reason." I replied.

He began tapping his foot repetitively. I bit my tongue not wanting to say anything, but we stood their in silence for no reason. Yet, I wasn't the one who ended the silence.

"Ok, do you really want to know what it is?" He asked.

"Yeah." I rolled my eyes slightly.

"Well, I don't really know how to say it, but... last night, Luna gave me some big news." He began to smile. "She told me..."

"Just spit it out dude." I demanded.

"She's pregnant and I'm the dad." He smiled. "I'm gonna be a dad!"

"That's... great. Congratulations, Andrew." I smiled.

"Thanks." He said. "I show go see her."

He ran off. I stood their and the smile left my face. My life could never be like that. I could never be happy with a family and Eleanor. We are always threaten by something and I'll never be able to marry her, I couldn't hurt her. I know Kara knows how to break the curse, yet she hasn't. I just want a normal life for a little while. A life like I've always wanted, but never had. A peaceful family and happy days. A last chance at happiness.

Eleanor's Pov~

I sat with Fawn and Kara. We talked about girly stuff and got to be better friends. Fawn had seen how tease and stressed I was. She told me we would have a girls day out. Kara, her and me would just enjoy time without the boys. We sat at a small cafe back in the U.S. away from the island.

I took the time to think about how things would go from here. How were we going to get Nico to kill Louis without killing him really? How would we even get him to agree to it? I really don't want to lose Louis again.

"Eleanor, are you ok?" Kara asked.

I looked up at her and away from my coffee. She had a look of concern on her face. I smiled. "Fine, just lost in thought."

"Isn't really new for you." She smiled.

"I'm not really the kind of person for new things." I shrugged.

"Yeah." She laughed. "You never go outside your comfort zone."

"She never has to do so." Fawn said.

"So, what's been up with you Fawn?" I asked. "Ever since Luna showed up you been more sad than usual and you are never with Andrew anymore. You used to be tied at the hip."

"Well, he has his mate now." She sighed. "I don't want to ruin their relationship."

"Good call." Kara nodded.

"Yeah, sometimes that can end up bad." I agreed.

"Sometimes?" Fawn asked.

"Well, I ended a fake relationship and it ended up with me finding my mate." I smiled.

"Well, that wouldn't help in my situation." She frowned. "Cause well... you know. This is the Moon Goddess."

"You know, with this war coming and stuff it's been good to just sit and talk with you guys." I said. "But, we should do something more."

"Last chances." Kara suggested. "We do things that we want to do before we die."

"That's a great idea." Fawn said. "Except for the fact that I've done mostly everything. Their is nothing I could really do."

"Don't worry about it, we'll all make lists." Kara smirked.

"I say, we do this over three days. Today we make our lists, tomorrow we do the stuff, and the day after we do anything extra." I suggested.

"Sounds great." Fawn shrugged.

"Let's go somewhere else, less public." Kara said.


We gathered in the forest. We had gotten a few supplies like, sleeping bags, food, water, and other essentials. We all took out our papers and pens. We pasted around ideas on stuff we wanted to do and filled out our lists. My turned out to be more empty than Kara's and Fawn's. I tried to think up more but nothing came to mind. All I had was, nothing. There was nothing I hadn't already done.

As they continued to jot down more things, I got up and went away from our little campsite. I shifted and ran through the forest. I caught a scent and followed it. It led me far from the camp and to a small river. I walked up to the water and looked down into it. I saw a silver wolf staring back at me. Her eyes a pale blue and grey. I didn't recognize this wolf. She was more matured and older than how I remembered. But she was still me.

I laid down next to the river, the water gently brushing up against my cheek. Like the water rushed over the rocks, thoughts rushed in my mind. I knew what my last chance would be.

I got up and ran through the river. I continued through the forest and found a path. I followed it and last the spring breeze blow against my fur. I closed my eyes and smiled. I opened them and began running.

I came out of the forest and found myself looking across and huge field. I let my paws lead me and ran through the field, not a care in the world. It felt good to get away and maybe this is what I needed. Some time alone and away from the crowded halls and war meetings (I'm never invited to) and the "princess". This is me last chance, my last chance to be free for once. This was what I needed and wish I could have more of. A little freedom.

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