Survival of the Weakest Kind

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Chapter Thirteen

Louis's Pov~

I pasted by the people on the streets. They gave me confused looks, some even stopped so I could pass. I held my head low and shoved my hands in my pockets trying to avoid being noticed. I found a small path that led off the main streets and through a park. I walked that way and found no one there to judge me.

"The way out is the other way." A voice said.

"What? Who said that?" I stopped and looked for the source of the voice.

"I do believe you want to get home. So, stop questioning and go." It said.

"Show yourself and I'll go." I insisted.

"Fine." It muttered. A large black wolf walked out from one of the trees. "You always were stubborn."

"Dad?" I asked.

"It spirit, son. Don't get your hopes out." He laughed.

"It's so good to at least see you, but why are you in wolf form?" I asked.

"This is how I died so, this is how I appear." He sighed.

"So, where do I go?" I asked.

"It won't be easy and you'll have to sacrifice something deeply important to you." He said. "If you accept the task, there is no turning back."

"I accept it." I said.

"Even if it means losing your beloved Eleanor?" He asked.

"I can't hurt her if I lose her, now can I? I can't risk hurting her." I said.

"It won't be you hurt her. It will be done by someone else." He said. "But still, she will die either way."

"She will die?" He nodded and I reconsidered what I had said. "Still there has to be another way, right?"

"The only way is if one of you is dead to the other." He said. "A prophecy, son."

"What is this prophecy?" I asked.

He motioned for me to follow him into the forest. We traveled deep where no one would even consider venturing. It was filled with danger and threats. Yet, my dad led me past every last one of them and we avoided a fight. We emerged from the thick trees to a spring surrounded with rock. They had images on them, each one thousands of years old.

"What are these?" I asked. "These images?"

"They are the prophecy." He said. "From the beginning of time you and Eleanor were meant to be together. One day, a war would break out between your two families. The only way to stop it is... one of you dies. You or her and I know what your going to choose so, I giving you more time than you should have. You be able to go back to her, but this can only end one way."

"How do I get back to her?" I asked.

"Go to sleep. You will wake up and be with her." He said. "Close your eyes, son. We'll meet again."


Eleanor's Pov~

I stared at the scroll. It was the same curse Louis wanted Kara to use on me. I was so anger at the curse and threw the scroll out the window.

"I hate that curse." I muttered.

"So, you threw it out the window?" Fawn's brother questioned.

"Yeah, why not?" I smiled.

"Cause it could have had something very important written on the back. Like I don't know, something that could end your life. It is a closely guarded secret in my family and now Astra can get it and end the moon!" He yelled. "You idiot!"

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