Chapter 2: "Walt"
Mattie's prov
An annoying beeping noise repeated itself and I stiffened thinking it was my brother's alarm. "I'm sorry. Kal please don't hurt me." I whispered. I squeezed my eyes waiting for the slap I would receive for forgetting. However, nothing came and confusion swept through me. I cautiously opened my eyes and quickly had to close them as the bright white walls burned my eyes.
I tried to open my eyes again and I blinked several times to adjust to the brightness of the room. I tried to sit up when unfamiliar white walls met my eyes, but a searing pain in my side stopped me. Then like a tidal wave memories from yesterday all came back from the beating to the woods then the wolves. I looked confused around the room and then fear shot through me. I would have to go back home.
Fear pumped within me as my fight or flight response kicked in. I started to struggle against the millions of tubes that had sneaked into my flesh while I was unconscious . My breathing became ragged and my struggling turned into thrashing until my heart monitor started beeping out of control.The piercing sounds were grading against my damaged eardrums like sandpaper I screamed out in pain and confusion.
My surroundings turned blurry and started to fade in and out of focus until the door flew open and faceless people ran into my room.I slapped my hands over my ears not able to handle the noise any longer I could feel warm liquid seep in between my fingers confused I placed my hands in front of my face. Deja vu crashed over me as I started at the bright scarlet colored blood tracks across my pale hands. My breathing picked up before the room started spinning I let out a soft whimper before my eyes rolled back into my head and I was submerged again into complete darkness.
Warped voices burned my sore ears making me clench my teeth in pain while my side felt like it was on fire. A few stray tears trailed down my cheeks while I just laid in an almost paralyzed state. I stiffened when I felt a new presence by my injured side and something stirred inside of me that I could not explain.I tried to open my heavy eyelids, but they felt like sandbags and seemed impossible to open. Warmth spread in my belly until I felt too tired to try anymore and I surrendered to my worn out body. I started to fade in between my dreams and reality so much I could never tell what was real any more as I sunk deeper into myself.
Flashes of the forest and the hospital blurred together until they morphed into one picture before my eyelids snapped open without warning letting my hazel eyes look around the room.The beeping from my heart monitor was just a faint background whisper instead of the shrill yell it had been when I had first woken up. I took a deep breath wincing when stale air hit my dry throat before I licked my cracked lips. My eyes flickered around the room looking for something to quench my dying thirst.
My eyes drank in the beautiful sight of a clear glass of water just as the door opened with an older man in a white lab coat and a younger plain clothed guy walked into my room. They were discussing something in soft tones and when the doctor looked down at me a look of shocked crossed his face before a sad smile took its place.
"Hey sweet pea, you're awake!" His voice held the same kindness as his soft green eyes and I gave him a small awkward smile in return.
"Um... yeah." I said softly before rubbing my burning throat awkwardly at the rough croak that had replaced my voice. He gave me another sad smile before he handed me the glass of water my eyes were glued to.
"You were in really bad shape when he brought you in." He slung his thumb toward the boy behind him with a smile. I followed the gesture with my eyes and saw the older boy around my brother's age and fear struck me. His eyes widened at my action and worry circled in his eyes.

The Forgotten
Teen FictionMattie is a girl whose life has crumbled to pieces around her and no matter how hard she tries, she can't fix it. She is trapped in her life until her abuser goes too far one night and she hides in the woods surrounding her house that has become her...