Chapter 3: Hidden treasures
Mattie’s prov
"Alright, either ninjas are way overrated or no one really cares if a girl walks around without pants on anymore." I said looking up to the smirking boy. He only chuckled down at me. "So, what's your name?" I asked realizing he never told me.
"Walt." he smiled down at me. I frowned at him seeing the deceit circling in his dark brown eyes, but kept my mouth shut.
"Are you new here?" I changed the topic. He looked down at me curiously before nodding his head.
"I'm here with my family, but we're just passing through." I looked at him through my bangs and I saw the love circling in his eyes at the mere mention of his family and a knot twisted painfully in my chest while jealousy burned through me.
"Oh." was all I responded and an awkward silence settled between us.
He walked up to a faded blue pickup truck and unlocked his door with his keys before unlocking my side. "So where do you live?" he asked breaking the silence. At the mere mention of home I panicked and swung my head towards the boy next to me who only looked a mixture of cautious and worried.
"W-Why do you want to know?" I stuttered as the paralyzingly fear started to creep up my body.
"Just so you'll be around familiar things when we leave plus my family doesn't have any clothes that would fit you." his eyes dropped down to the sweatshirt that was currently swallowing me whole. I tried to even out my breathing as I rattled of my address and pointed which direction to start driving.
I clutched onto the dashboard as a wave of excruciating pain burned through my side when we drove over a pothole, but I held my tongue. “So h-how long was I out f-for?” I questioned ‘Walt’ while stumbling over my words still not fully trusting the male next to me.
“Only few days.” He distractically responded looking for my road. I swallowed my breath a few days? I wonder if my mom even had noticed I was gone or what my brother will say. I clutched the dashboard again, but this time had nothing to do with the pain in my side as the air knocked out of my lungs. My brother, oh god, he was going to kill me for this.
I flinched back when I felt a hold on my arm and I looked wide eyed at a worried ‘Walt’ before I closed my eyes until my breathing became normal again. My cheeks flamed red and I muttered an apology before I looked back at his dark brown eyes.
“We’re here.” His deep voice broke the heavy silence before looking over his left shoulder. I followed his eyes with my own until I saw my house and sadness swirled in my belly.
“Um y-yeah thanks I’ll just be a second and then we can leave okay?” I gave him a soft smile before opening my door and carefully getting out.
When I got to my screen door I looked back just in time to see ‘Walt’ speed down the road leaving me alone in a whirlwind of dust. I stood frozen rooted to the spot as my last amount of trust in humanity flew away into the swirling dust around me. I softly padded into the living room making sure I was the only one home before I sprinted up to my room deciding that this was the last night we were spending in this hell hole.
I quickly moved the door no longer connected to its hinges away from my doorway before I rushed over to Knight. I unlocked the kennel and he lunged at me licking my face and wagging his tail. I cooed down at my dog before apologizing for leaving him alone for days before grabbing an old backpack from under my bed.
I looked down at my big dog and kissed his head while ignoring the strong smell of abandonment that filled my nose and grabbing the little I had to the already full backpack. I looked around the room once more silently wondering why I didn’t leave sooner before I went into the kitchen and took a bunch of the essentials before going out the back door.

The Forgotten
Novela JuvenilMattie is a girl whose life has crumbled to pieces around her and no matter how hard she tries, she can't fix it. She is trapped in her life until her abuser goes too far one night and she hides in the woods surrounding her house that has become her...