Chapter 14: Blood Lust

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Chapter 14: Blood Lust

                I could feel my eyes start to glow and my eyesight to become clearer as I looked anxiously at Colton's handsome face. The world seemed to move in slow motion while I watched his lips hungrily as they parted to continue what he was saying and a feeling washed over me.


                Against every fiber of my being I cut off what Colton was going to say when a new scent came over me and I turned around to find its source. The aroma seemed to cling to me and draw me towards it. I felt my feet move on their own accord before I could even form a thought. I blindly went through hallways and rooms until I found myself standing in a doorway. There stood a young guy who was drenched in rich blood and I could feel myself start to salivate at the aroma. I found myself looking into his eyes that were pools of a mix of blue and brown, but were turning more silver by the second. Realization smacked into me full force, but my feet wouldn't move so all I could do was whimper in confusion as my body fought with itself leaving me helpless.

I watched through hooded blood lusted eyes as the guy changed in front of me becoming more predatory by the second. Then, suddenly I was in someone's arms and without even turning to look I knew it was Colton. His strong arms encircled my body leaving me feeling... safe. All my worries and sense of danger seemed to slip from my body as soon as his skin touched mine. I could feel my eyes to glow brighter while the scent of fresh blood overpowered my senses and as I stared down the strange male in front of me, but I felt more grounded with Colton wrapped around me.

"Nick, what happened?" Colton's voice rang out instantly making shivers rack my spine at its delicious sound. His arms tightened around me making me smile as my cheeks heated up instantly knowing he felt that.

"He was eating his kill when he was attacked." A smoky voice answered surprising me at its female pitch causing me to cock my head in confusion. Before I could form a question in my mind a stunning woman entered the doorway the injured boy was standing behind. She was stained with blood as well and looked darkly down at me while she stood protectively in front of the struggling male. Her dark green eyes flickered over my profile as she tried to contain her wild dark hair that was matted to her flawless tan skin with blood. She was the most intimidating woman I had ever met, yet as she guarded the hurt boy I realized why and I quickly became as unthreatening as possible; worry for the guy rolled off of my body in waves as I glued my eyes to his unsteady form. I made a move towards him to try to help, but realized it was not my place when the gorgeous woman became more predatory so I instantly stepped back. I looked up into Colton's silver eyes silently telling him to help the boy only to smile when I realized he was already moving to help.

However, without his body to tether me, my bloodlust festered within my veins so I shrunk back into the darkest corner of the room to get out of everyone's way as I focused on staying Dani; Colton's Dani. Yet, as I sat in the corner feeling hopeless and in the way bits Mattie's life started to stream across my vision. I hugged my legs to my chest trying not to fall apart in front of the most important person to me, my soul mate, and his family. I dug my nails into my flesh trying to stay in the present and not be trapped in the past... again. I didn't want to go back there, I never want to go back there not for a single second. Pure terror rocked me to my core as I desperately tried to hold on to the pain to stay in this moment, but these small pin pricks from my nails felt like nothing compared to my pain tolerance.

 I was ripped away from the present and sent into my nightmare's razor-edged fangs. Harsh blue eyes were livid uncontrollable like a wild fire, the scars the littered by pathetic body seared with white hot pain forcing me to shine in the darkness. I tried to flee, but my bones felt like they were shattering with every move I tried to make towards freedom. Helplessness ran through me making me its prisoner and I wanted to die as the cold settled across me like a shroud choking me. I watched in paralyzed fear as my life was forcefully played in front of me like a horror movie. Seconds ticked by and each one felt like it was longer than the last. I couldn't move as my monster of a brother continued to break everything that made me who I was day after day from a cruel word to making me bleed just because he had a bad day. I was alone in the middle of the depths of hell surrounded by darkness for more than half of my life. It was all I had known nonstop for years and I accepted it. I took that burden on my breaking and scared back because it was my only choice of life. I watched in horror how I earned every scar, broken bone, and every tear that fell from my dull hazel eyes.

Then I felt something alien, something so out of place I couldn't think of its name. Something that made me forget everything around me the one thing that kept me alive, even in this prison. I could feel my aching bones start to shift completely breaking me leaving nothing but a shell of a shell.  It took everything inside of me to keep my agonizing hot tears behind my eyelids and blood in my mouth from biting back my screams too hard. Then I felt it's warmth, surrounding me and I opened my eyes.

I looked around clearing the fresh tears out of my eyes and realized that what felt like an eternity of excruciating pain was only a split second. The scene in front of me was exactly the same; the dark haired girl was kneeling next to the boy and they were both covered in blood and my angel was just about to reach them, but looked back at me to make sure I was okay. I could smell my own fear, it was as if I had bathed in the stench for years and embarrassment clung to me. There are two people in this room who were just attacked and are covered in blood, yet bad thoughts had broken me to the point me hiding beneath my new pelt as I looked down at my golden paw. I winced at the pain I unleashed within Colton's eyes when he meet my wolf's golden eyes and instantly knowing that he understood what happened. I nodded to him that I was alright now and that he should help his family member.

I left the room when I felt another gaze on my pelt knowing that I was the opposite of nonthreatening, just another thing I did wrong I realized as I followed my scent. When a deep raspberry color flashed in my vision I felt my stomach drop and felt like the scum of the earth as I looked up at Lena. A whine of despair slipped past my mussel as I saw her widened eyes. All that time and work she put into tonight that I ruined in a split second when my human body disappeared beneath my fur. She was the first one to welcome me and she made me feel like I belonged there, like I could actually be with Colton, and I could have more. I laid at her feet in horror of how broken I actually was her confused, gorgeous face meet my gaze before she went to see what happened.

A deep growl emanated from the other side of the room I turned my head and watched the hate filled glare a foreign grey wolf threw at me while it bared its teeth at me threatening. I could do nothing but watch another scene unfold in front of me I was like a nuclear bomb to this family and I had no idea what I was supposed to do to tell the wolf I was harmless. I didn't know their ways and my newest scars still burned from Colton's other cousin so I did the only thing I did when I was in harm's way, I ran. I sprinted through the house in the opposite direction of Colton because he was with the young injured wolf and I would probably be killed if I tried to go in his direction. So I ran back out the way I got in the house the first way and by some miracle the door was left open a crack. I forced my way through and ran into the woods.

I could hear the large wolf coming after me and I ran faster than ever before, I needed to; it didn't matter if I died, but if I did what would happen to Colton? His family was everything to him and what if one of them killed me? I had to survive for him so I pushed every muscle to go faster, run farther and I didn't stop for what felt like hours. Once I was absolutely sure there was not a single creature following me I let my senses take hold and I listened hard. I could hear prey start to come back out of their homes thinking the danger had gone and I turned around to slowly retrace my steps back towards Colton. I let my wolf sense completely take over me and I felt... in my element, like this place is where I belonged.

Through a wolf's eyes I walked through the forest, walked along a river, and looked around in awe of where I found myself. It was utterly beautiful and safe; I never wanted to leave again. I let all my thoughts dispel from my mind and solely trusted my instincts. Everything enhanced and I didn't have to keep my mind off of my past it was just empty. There was no decisions to make, no feelings, no right or wrong, just freedom. I forgot where I was going and where I was I was just living in the present. Everything felt so connected and a part of something bigger. Then I heard a deep, desperate howl that I felt in my heart and without a second thought I threw my head back and answered back before picking up my pace towards... home.


Thanks for reading! sorry its been so long since I've uploaded I just started my freshman year in college and its been amazing, but crazy I've had no time to write. I promise I will update soon I hope you liked it

                                                                                                  XOXO Lyla

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