Chapter 2

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Josh finished buttoning his fitted white shirt, and walked over to the mirror to check his hair. Sometimes he missed the colour he had when he first met Tyler, but he knew that his natural black was for the best.

He had stopped dyeing it when Ty first got out of hospital as Dr Wakefield had told him that Tyler needed a calm and peaceful environment to slowly transition back home, and Josh decided it was time to grow up. Besides, he would have been graduating from law school soon and he knew he wouldn't have been taken seriously in the court room or the office.

His gaze fell to the framed wedding photo that was centralised on the dresser underneath the mirror. With a smile, he took the frame in his hand.

That particular photo had been taken during the photoshoot in the woods after the service, and had been put through a black and white filter. Josh was walking hand in hand with Tyler, both in black suits but Tyler wearing his sweet bow tie and Josh in a thin black tie. He couldn't remember the joke he had told, but he was grinning and Tyler was laughing, he lent forwards a little and had begun to raise his hand to cover his mouth but the photographer had been quicker.

Josh loved the photo because he could still see Tyler's scrunched up eyes and his pearly white teeth illuminating his smile, he could still see the joy on Tyler's face.

He set the photo down again and hoped it wouldn't be too long until he saw that happiness again in actuality.

He heard the sound of the duvet cover moving, and turned around to see Tyler waking up.

"Good morning sleepyhead," Josh teased as he walked towards his husband's side of the double bed. Tyler yawned then pushed himself to a sitting position and stretched to kiss Josh on the lips.
"Morning handsome," Tyler replied, the pet name causing Josh to smile, both because he was flattered but also because it was a sign that Ty was feeling better.

Tyler reached for the glass on his bedside table but found it empty.
"Want me to fill that up for you?" Asked Josh, carrying the glass to the bathroom after seeing Tyler nod.

In the mean time, Tyler opened the single drawer of the table and pulled out his pill organiser. He opened the compartment labelled for Friday and tipped the different pills into his hand. Josh returned and held out the now filled glass, which Tyler quickly emptied as he knocked back the medication.

Tyler rubbed his eye, still half asleep, and yawned again.
"How much sleep did I get?" Tyler inquired.
"Umm," Josh thought back to the night before, "We came up to bed at about 11.30 in the end, then I saw you fall asleep at about 1. I don't know whether you woke up in the night at all as I fell asleep not long after you."

He took his watch off the dresser and saw it read 7am before putting it on. "It's 7 now, so that makes 6 hours. Pretty good for you,"

"Yeah that's good," he said, rubbing his face again, "You know you don't need to wait for me to fall asleep before you can. You've got work to rest for, I'll be fine I promise."
"I know you'll be absolutely fine Ty, but I worry anyway. However, I happen to find your sleeping face very adorable." Josh replied before mocking his partner's sleeping face.
"Shut up," Tyler laughed, as he threw a pillow in Josh's direction. Josh laughed too, picked up the pillow and walked back towards the headboard to put it in place again.

He sat down on the edge of Tyler's side, careful not to sit on him. He took Tyler's hand in his, and felt the bandaid on his palm that he had put on the night before.
"You going to be okay today?"
"Sure Ty? I can take the day off if you need me."
"I'll be okay, last night was a one off I promise. Your late train messed with me, but it's okay now. And I'm sorry I acted the way I did, I am trying to get better I swear." Tyler replied, being honest but not pulling the positive atmosphere of the room down.
"I know you're trying so hard to get better, because I see your improvements everyday. If you're sure you're okay then give me a kiss, because I've got to head to the train station." Josh said before kissing Tyler again, then walking towards his briefcase and filling it with the final document that was left to the side.

Fear Will Lose // twenty one pilots // JoshlerWhere stories live. Discover now