017 》actually satan

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• all time low // jon bellion •

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• all time low // jon bellion •

Kaede woke up to a dip in the bed. She felt something moving across her sheets, waking her quickly. She stayed still, fearful, but preparing to attack. That is, until her supposed assailant starting licking her neck and cheek.

"Good morning, Pogo," she grumbled. The retriever continued wetting her face until she finally pushed him away with the back of her hand. Kaede sat up and shouted accusingly into the apartment. "Now I know I locked the door before going to bed."

"You did," Jax confirmed from the couch, a fresh cup of what Kaede assumed to be a chai in his hand.

She groaned and shuffled over to him while asking, "How the hell did you get in here? Did you pick the lock?"

Jax reached into the pocket of his red flannel pants, keeping his eyes on the screen, and pulled out a dull gold key for her to see.

"You got my key copied?" she questioned, though entirely unsurprised.

"Of course not," he said. Kaede flopped down on the couch, and Jax lifted his arms so she could put her legs on his, then he rested his forearms on her shins. "I stole the spare from the drawer in the kitchen."

The girl sighed, placing an arm across her eyes to cover from the sunlight soaking through the windows. She peeked under her arm and saw his mug held out for her. "And you used my coffee machine." Despite her sarcastic tone, she took the mug, revelling in the cinnamon scent. She glanced over at the screen while she handed back his hot drink. "What are you watching?"

"Shh!!" he said, putting out his hand to cover her face. She scoffed and pushing it away as he explained in a quieter tone, "Battle of the Five Armies. I don't have this channel at my place."

"I'm sorry, what is this?"

"The third Hobbit movie. I'm already two hours in, now hush!"

"This movie is more than two hours?" Kaede asked loudly, prompting another shush from the plaid-wearing artist. "Wait, you've been here for more than two hours?"

"Calm down. I bought you more chai tea K-Cups, made pancakes, and fed your devil."

She laughed and said, "Geez, it's like you live here. You're buying groceries, making food, feeding my cat. And opening blinds—we need to talk about that: not okay before noon."

The artist finally looked at her; eyes narrowed when he said, "Do not make me shush you again."

"Fine!" she said purposefully with a loud voice. She sat up and leaned forward to kiss his cheek. "Thanks for breakfast."

She grabbed a plate, a couple pancakes and made herself a cup of chai tea. She sat back beside him, completely confused about the movie he seemed so captured by. She ate her syrup-covered pancakes quietly. Once she finished, she played with Pogo, who was—luckily—a fan of Luci's and vice versa.

Kaede sat on the floor of the kitchen with a thick piece of rope to play tug-of-war with the dog. But he seemed too preoccupied with licking the side of the kitten's face. "I'm glad you like Luci," she said to Pogo with a smile on her face. "Otherwise, I'd never talk to Jax, and I kind of like him. So thanks for being cool," she scratched behind his ear.

"Aww, I like you, too, sweetheart," Jax called from the couch, still staring at the screen.

Over 30 minutes later, the movie finally ended. Kaede suggested they played Mario Kart so she could kick his ass, as usual. And he, of course, took the challenge. Somehow, they ended up spending the whole day together—as time always seemed to just get away from them.

Kaede left to go to the bathroom, and in that time, an alarm went off on her phone that read 'give luci her vitamins.' Therefore, Jax took it upon himself to grab the B vitamins stashed on the top of the fridge.

Kaede exited the bathroom just in time to catch the little conflict between him and her calico.

"Listen here, Morningstar: I'm the human, you're the feline. And when I say 'take your vitamins,' you're gonna take the damn vitamins!"

"Don't yell at her. It's not her fault she has an absorption deficiency," Kaede said with a soft voice as she picked up the cat to pet her.

Jax scoffed, "She is actually Satan. You called her Lucifer and didn't expect her to be difficult?"

"She was taken away from her mom too early, and she needs these vitamins. That doesn't mean she likes them."

"Hey, I'm not discriminating. She's just stubborn." The way Kaede cooed at the cat and lightly pet her, prompted him to say, "Wow. Sometimes I think you love her more than me."

"Obviously," she dismissed quickly. "Sisters before misters, isn't that right, Luci? Yes, I wuv you, you pretty patched little kitty," she said in such a voice that made Jax cringe.

"Alright, I get it. The one you love less willmake you dinner now," he said, excusinghimself to her kitchen. "Figure out howto give Luci her vitamins yourself because she doesn't let me do it." 


this is just a filler. i just love it when they're domestic

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