035 》damn beautiful

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• georgia // vance joy •

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• georgia // vance joy •

With less than an hour until the ceremony, Kaede walked out of the bathroom of hers and Jax's room with her hair pinned up and makeup done simply

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With less than an hour until the ceremony, Kaede walked out of the bathroom of hers and Jax's room with her hair pinned up and makeup done simply.

"Oh, God, you look good," Jax mumbled, seeing her in the short, light blue, floral dress and three inches black pumps.

Kaede had heard him and blushed lightly, "Shut up." Then she looked up at him to see him in a light grey suit with pale blue accents, which fit him perfectly. She cleared her throat awkwardly and said, "You clean up nice."

She walked up to him and patted his chest, running her fingers along the fabric. "We're matching," he beamed.

"I see that," she chuckled. "Is that why you wouldn't let me see it in the store?"

Jax shrugged. "I wanted to impress you with my amazing colour coordination skills."

A moment passed between them, and Kaede scoffed. "What are you looking at?" She bit her lip, feeling herself blush under the artist's intense stare because she knew she couldn't hide the way it made her heart skip a beat.

He only tilted his head to the side, a soft smile playing on his lips. "You."

"Well, stop it," she warned teasingly, backing away slowly. "If I didn't know any better, I'd swear that look was you falling in love with me."

"I might if you don't stop looking so damn beautiful all the time," he said, kissing her cheek before he opened the bedroom door, holding it for her to walk through. She was stunned in place for a moment before Jax laughed. "Come on, Kae. We don't want to miss it."

Kaede shook her head, dismissing his behaviour to him just playing the role of her 'boyfriend.' She walked through the door, trying her damnedest to ignore the butterflies he caused when he looped his arm through hers.


The hallway to the room where the ceremony was to be held was empty. Kaede stopped just before the door, staring expectantly.

Jax stood in front of her, putting his hands on her shoulders. "You okay?"

She shook her head, meeting his eyes. "There's a lot of people in there I haven't seen in three years, and I don't know what my parents have said to preserve their 'perfect family' image," she admitted.

"Hey, just breathe, alright? I'm going to be with you the whole time," he said, softly pushing back a strand of hair that rested at the side of her face. "We can sit near the back so they won't be staring."

"Okay," she nodded.

"I've got you," he told her, putting his hand on her back. He pushed open the door, and his eyes widened at the sea of orange before him. The first thing he said upon entering the room was, "Lot of gingers around here."

"Now you know why I've always felt so included," she said sarcastically.

"Seriously, though. Is it a law or something to marry people with this specific hair colour?" he asked, brushing his fingers along a stranger's orange hair.

"The ginger gene is strong in this family. We've got everything from dark red to strawberry blonde. Then there's me: the first brunette in generations. Lucky for their reputation, I'm practically disowned."

They found a couple chairs in the back row to sit in. Jax had his hand on her thigh as she tensed at people walking by and whispering—presumably about Kaede. She tried to ignore it, looking down and holding onto Jax's hand as a few people pointed at her tactlessly.

He turned his head and whispered into her ear, "If you act like it doesn't bother you, they'll stop. Show them how strong you are."

She turned to him, their faces a couple inches apart. She nodded, taking a deep breath before she faced the front with her head held high. Jax smirked proudly at the girl.

"Kaedie," greeted a shorter man with dark orange hair.

"Xander!" she jumped from her chair with a much brighter mood to greet him with a hug. "Where's Derek?"

"Up at the front with Leo," he smiled, pointing behind him. "How are you?"

"I'm good. How's the adoption process coming along for the twins?"

"Wonderfully, actually. We should be getting them before the end of the year."

"Those girls are going to be getting the best dads in the world."

"Thank you, Kaedie." He looked over at the guy beside his cousin and cleared his throat as he looked back to her.

"Right," she shook her head. "Xander, this is Jax. Jax, this is my oldest cousin Xander."

Xander seemed to stand up straighter, ambling toward the taller man to firmly shake his hand. "So you're Jax?"

"He's got more than half a foot on you, Xan. Cool it."

He pointed his finger as he tried to scare Kaede's date. "I'll still kick your ass, buddy. I've watched this girl grow up. Don't hurt her."

The lights dimmed slightly, signalling the ceremony was starting. Jax looked back wide-eyed, appearing a little intimidated by the Paxton cousin. "I wouldn't dream of it." 


four chapters left (plus the epilogue)

seth green as xander

oh my god all these pictures are terrible and blurry, please don't forget everything was made and written two years ago lmao

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oh my god all these pictures are terrible and blurry, please don't forget everything was made and written two years ago lmao

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