Chapter Fourteen- Lock Down

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Yashita's P.O.V

"Ash.." I heard someone whisper from beside me, causing me to flutter my eyes open. Zayn hovered above me a sympathetic look on his face. I knew what was coming, it was the 'I have to go' look. "You have to go right?" I whispered, my voice cracking slightly as I tried to move, my body aching all over. "I have just a few things to sort out, and ill be back baby I promise.." He whispered, leaning in to plant soft kisses on my lips. "I love you.." He smiled, kissing the tip of my nose before chucking his jacket on. I rolled over carefully, watching him as he walked out my bedroom, making sure to close the door behind him. I sighed, trying my best to lift myself up in bed. Pain shot through the bottom half of my body as I remembered what happened last night. I pulled the coveres off my body, Zayn's shirt just covering my thighs. I lifted up my shirt, seeing bruises over my hips and on the inside of my thighs, blushing slightly I attempted to stand up, feeling my legs turn into jelly I tried once more. 

I never really understood why Zayn just randomly leaves, but I never question it. For all I know it could be about the business, or his 'gang'. If anything I'm avoiding that subject. "Sweetie, Jess is downstairs for you.." Mum smiled, peeking her head through the door. I smiled weakly, attempting my best to get out of bed.  "Here.." Mum whispered, grabbing hold of my side as I managed to stand up. I smiled slightly, wrapping my dressing gown around me as I walked down the stairs. Jess stood at the bottom, a huge smirk playing on her lips. "If you aren't aching because of a good night imma kill you.." She joked, hugging me tightly. I sighed slightly, running my hands through my hair. "So, you doing anything today?" She asked, smirking slightly as I grabbed her a drink. "Nope, Zayn's out for the day, why?" I frowned, handing her, her drink before tightening my dressing gown. "I just think we need to spend some time together, you me and the girls?" She suggested, her smile getting bigger as excitement ran through my body. "Of course! Let me get ready love.." I smiled, rushing upstairs to find something to wear. Of course, most of my clothes were in the wash and the only things I had left was Zayn's top and a pair of my jeans. Groaning slightly I slipped them both on, tying my hair up in a messy bun before washing my face, brushing my teeth and grabbing my phone.

To: Zaynie baby

Going out with the girls, if I'm not back by the time you get home, wait for me?<3

I chucked my phone in my pocket before running back down the stairs. Today should be good.

Zayn's P.O.V

"What do you mean McCann's gang is out for us? We killed them all! "I hissed, pacing back an fourth in front of the guys. Harry's gang joined us to, partly because they were there and because they're being chased too. "I don't know Zayn but you better make sure Ash is safe!" Harry hissed, standing up from his spot before walking over to the files. He flicked through them, tossing them to the side in anger. "How did they know it was us anyway?" Justin mumbled, throwing his head back as he thought. "We're the only ones who are connected to Ash that's why.." Liam hissed, shaking his head as his knee bounced in anticipation. I sighed, pulling my phone out of my pocket.

From: Ash

Going out with the girls, if I'm not back by the time you get home, wait for me?<3

"Shit.." I mumbled, chucking my phone back into my pocket before looking over to the guys. "She's going out with the girls.." I explained, their faces still plain as if they didn't care. I shook my head, chuckling coldly. "If these guys are out there, they'll hit her first!" I hissed, causing them to snap out of their trance. My heart raced as the thought of Ash being taken away filled my head. "Zayn, Zayn.. " Niall shouted, grabbing hold of my shoulders to stop me from moving. "Call her. "He breathed, letting go of me before rushing into the kitchen. I breathed shakily, pulling my phone out before dialing her number.

"Zayn?" She questioned as soon as she picked up, causing me to let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. "Where are you?" I asked casually, stuffing one hand in my pocket as I waited for her reply. "I'm at the mall why?" I could almost see her frowning into the phone as I spoke. "Could you go home please? Or come to the ware house?" I mumbled quickly, seeing the guys eyes on me, making me even more nervous. "Urm.. Sure but what about the girls?" She asked, whispering something to someone else. I looked up at the guys, seeing most of them nod. "Bring them.." I mumbled, hanging up on her instantly. I placed my phone back into my pocket, groaning inwardly. "She's bringing the girls.." I whispered, hearing some of the boys groan. It not that we hate the girls, we just don't want them caught up in what we have. Its bad enough Ash is in this whole problem. ----------------------------

"What's going on?" Ash questioned, running straight over to me. I hugged her tightly, kissing the top of her head before looking up. The girls sat beside the guys, introducing themselves as they did. "McCann's gang is out there, looking for us.." I whispered, hearing her breath hitch as I spoke his name. We haven't said a word about what happened with him, what he did or what he said. I thought it was better untold. "B-But you killed them you-" I cut her off from her stuttering state. "We thought we did, turns out there is more than we thought.." I mumbled, seeing everyone's heads snap up. Katheryn was sat beside Justin, Tuka by Niall, Jess by Liam and Rylie was sat beside Louis, leaving Harry by himself. "We need to stay here, until we take down these guys.." I mumbled, seeing the girls faces drop. They all turned to Ash, who gave them a sympathetic smile. "You can't do that!" Jess hissed, standing up from her place, but Liam pulled her back down onto his lap, causing her to blush slightly. "We all need to stay here, they'll take anyone who's connected with Ash.." Liam explained to Jess, seeing her bite her lip as she nodded. I clapped my hands together, catching everyone's attention. "We need to tell everyone we're going on holiday, no one leaves this house unless we're going shopping okay?" I explained, seeing everyone's heads nod in agreement. "Right, lets get everyone's stuff, Liam you go with Jess, Justin you go with Katheryn, Niall you go with Tuka and Louis, Rylie.. Harry you're with me and Ash.." I mumbled, grabbing my keys and Ash's hands. "I'm gonna keep you safe I promise.." I whispered, kissing her lips softly. " I love you.." 

Sorry this took so long to update. I hope you guys have had a wonderful Christmas and a good year!<3 

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