chapter one: new life

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First chapter:

It is Sunday first week in August. My Mom is taking me to the airport. " Did you get everything? You got all your books and your favourite shirt?"

"yes, mom. Calm down. Everything will be fine. I am not out off the world. I am just going to live with Dad". I said annoyed and nervous. Off course I didn't want to leave my crazy mom but she had a new phase in her life and i had to decide in which direction my life shall take. I decided that I should take some time alone to get my head clear after the changes of the last months in my life.

"Everything will be OK mom!" I reassured her giving her a tight hug.

She waved to me while I was taking the path to the gate. Is my life going to change? Am I heading the right way? Will I ever feel comfortable with myself? or even complete? I hated myself and my depressive phase... Well I think that I might have been this way of all my life- all my 17 years but with the changes I have been through it came worse...

I took the seat 37 A next to a very over weighted sweating man. Oh great my life is going to get worse and worse I thought to myself. Is it not enough that I have to deal with all the people- humans- around me and now that. I smelled his sweaty skin and his sweet blood. My throat started to burn but i cut the thought by its beginning. I used to deal it this way. I stopped breathing.

The first time I had to deal with this was now nearly 2 month ago. I went on a party on the 9th of June and it felt like it was just 10 minutes ago. I was on the way to my friends house. Sophie invited my to kind of a late barbecue with some other girls from school. My mom usually would take me to her house but insisted that the evening was so nice that i would take the shorter way over the small bridge. It was such a lovely night a warm breeze... so nice... why am i going to this barbecue? I would prefer reading a good book but Sophie invited me since it was kind of  a birthday party. I grabbed the present i got for her tighter in my arms. It was a rare copy of the velveteen rabbit- her favourite book. It was really hard to get but my mom had quite a strong network and she found it for Sophie.

I heard a snap and turned around I knew it was the end. Something inside me told me this was it the last steps of my life. And then I saw the shadow. He smiled at me. He was very attractive but had something that made me feel afraid.

"What do you want" I screamed and remembered that no house was on this way only some storage which is not crowded on this day time...

" Oh sweety. I couldn't resist. You are such a nice girl. Going to party, huh? I think we will have some fun, too." I tried to run away my legs felt heavy. My brain told me to run faster and then I fell down while trying to sped up. No escape I knew it. He bit me and I only could feel the pain. Oh mom I am sorry to leave you like this. Dad I am so sorry that I didn't call you that much the last year. I love you both. I am so sorry. I saw some images of my favourite moments in my past 17 years. I thought just a sec and I will be gone. Just a blink in the eternity of universe. We are nothing important. Nothing comparing to eternity, nothing comparing to the universe itself.

I felt the cold. The end but I was waiting for the light to come to wrap me into it. Yes I believe in universe and the light. I have been through this with grandma I was the only one who was able to handle it. I was there holding her hands and telling her not to be afraid. The light will be there and take her in an embrace. She will be part of the universe.

Where is it? I am waiting here. But I didn't feel it. Instead I felt the heat, the fire, the burning coming. Confusion run through my mind. What was happening? Where am I going to? What is happening?

Burning, fire,pain. It felt like years and suddenly it got worse. I thought he might burning me alive. Am I not dead allready? Oh Universe please stop it. Stop it right now. I have done nothing to deserve it...nobody did to deserve a thing like this..

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