chapter six: bonding

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Within the following weeks. I started to see the Cullens more often. We spent school hours and later the evenings together. With every day I felt that I was changing.

Every Cullen took a special part in my life. Esme and Carlisle were like my Vampire parents. They gave me all the wisdom and knowledge they had about beeing a Vampire. They tought me about the covens all around the world.

Alice and Jasper were like true siblings. Alice forced me shopping and sewing stuff for her. She enjoyed herself while getting hand made designed cloths. Jasper looked after me like a brother. He was watching over me. Nobody! Human or other kind would hurt me in his presence. It felt like he was responsible for a special treasure... I had no Idea how close this conclusion was.

Well Rosalie was somehow my best mechanic friend. We bought some motorcycles and started to power them up- just for fun...I loved to drive fast. the more horse power the better. the other half of the medallion was working on these bike. put hem together was more fun than to puzzle.Oh I loved spending time with Rosalie in her Garage. Emmett took the role of the funny big brother. If I wouldn't know I would say he was a typical class clown in his human days.

And then there was my gorgeous weirdo. Well I didn't call him so in public. But in my head -where he  couldn't get. Alice told me in a second of weakness - after I found the perfect dress - on a shopping tour for her  that Edward could not believe how much he will love me one day.  And then she bit her lip...behaving like she didn't say anything at all.

I started feeling that I found companions for Eternity. Not expecting to spend all Eternity with them but at least not beeing alone for now made me really happy.

My Dad was happy too. Even he didn't have much time due to work but knowing that I am having good friends made him happy.

 This night I would go hunting with him. My little weirdo. He was actually not really weird nor little... He was so beautiful and his scent... hm.. stop the thought bella. I have to stop poking my face with the pen, but still he behaved weird I thought to myself.

Carlisle decided he should accompany me tonight. I didn't know why but I had the feeling that Alice was responsible.

I was nervous. Yet, I have never been alone with him. Why was I nervous? Why should I go with him. I decided to give it a try and let Alices Vision or at least some bonding happening.

I was sitting on my bed waiting for him listening to chopin's tristesse and reading about Isis. In the last months I intensified reading myths about her. I didn't know why I was so attracted to her. It felt like she was calling for me.

" Oh Universe, thank you for giving me friends and a special weirdo" I whispered than sighed. Realising that he was looking at me all the time and smiling while he heard the weirdo thingy...

"Oh Edward, you are here. I am sorry. I - I-  didn't mean.."

He chuckled. "Ah it is OK Bella. I am a weirdo but not the only one. Did you look in the mirror?"

"Mirror? Why?" I ran to the bathroom and looked straight into it.

" Oh, No!!!No way!" I hissed.

" It is Ok Bella! Give me some Ink eraser!"  I ran to my room picked it up and returned to him. He started removing all the points I have painted on my face whilst I was waiting for him deeply drawn in my thoughts.

"Hey there you go. Black Beauty is back" He said looking deeply into my eyes.

"Thank you Edward" I blinked. "Lets go hunting. I bet you I am faster than you my weirdo" I whispered and jumped out of the window.

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