4 Weeks/Preformace Day

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Skylar's P.O.V
I woke up It's been weeks sense I seen Hakeem "Hey Mommy" she said I saw Heaven come next to me on the couch (I decided to skip the hygiene) "Hey baby" I said I grabbed my water bottle And drunk some water "I want some strawberry's" she said "Go ahead don't get to much" I said we stayed in the house until it got dark like 7:30 pm

Cookie's P.O.V
I was at empire I was getting ready for Skylar's performance "Ma when is she gonna be here" Hakeem said fixing his clothes putting his hood on his head "Imma call her..you better be practicing your rap for both song Skylar's & Jamal's " she said "Ight" he said practicing his rap I went into my contacts & called Skylar
(Phone Conversation)
Cookie-Hey daughter in law
Skylar-What's up
Cookie-It's time to preform be dressed & ready & be here in 30 minutes
Skylar-Ok.." ( End of Phone Conversation)
"Hakeem's she on her way" I said smiling "Ight Ma" he said smiling

Skylar's P.O.V
"Lets go y'all" I said I dropped Jeremiah & Heaven with Micheal I arrived at empire "Hey cookie" I said fixing my hair in the Mirror I saw somebody staring at me, I put my hair in a bun. Cookie did the announcements Cookie came backstage "Cookie who's gonna do the other half of my song..I thought you found someone" I said nervous "I didn't find anybody" she said I went on stage the music started "Now that your gone..I'm nothing I can't live with out you..I realized that I can't sleep with out you Everyday Every-night I dream about you, You left in me broken pieces..." I sang I was about to walk out but I seen someone come towards me & started rapping "Babe I'm here for you, you don't have to worry I told you I'm coming back for you What you didn't believe me.." ??? Said "Who are you" I said worried they came behind me and grabbed my ass & kissed me on the lips I took off their hood "It's me" Hakeem said he kissed me I kissed back I hugged him So tight "I missed you so much" I said releasing the hug "Me too babe" he said everybody started clapping he kissed me on my neck "Where did this hickey come from" He said "You probably did it" I said (Lying) "I nevered seen you in 4 weeks" he said I was standing there looking stupid cookie announced the other performance Hakeem & Jamal

(I couldn't find the one when they was fighting ...This my favorite song..)
Jamal's P.O.V
After performance "I don't know what was that Hakeem But you took it to another level & I wanna know" I said "You know exactly what I'm talking about" Hakeem said "No..I do not" I said "You & Skylar that's what I'm talking about" Hakeem said yelling

Skylar's P.O.V
I jumped in the the conversation "Hakeem I was about to tell you" I said " Your trying to Deny it So we didn't do that duet together We didn't vibe together" he said "Hakeem I'm srry" I said crying grabbing his hand he pulled his hand away he left I followed him to his house I knocked on the door

Hakeem's P.O.V
I left empire I got in my car I called Tiana & I told her meet me at my house & I called my mom to tell her I'm taking my kids away from skylar I heard a knock on the door "Who is it" I said "Babe..it's me open up" He said he opened the door he put his hand on his head "Listen.." She said  cried "So that's the hickey my brother gave you" I said "Yea.." She said  "That's some dirty shit..my own brother really" I said "I was missing you..I was going crazy with out you" She said putting her hands on my chest "So you saying you slept with my brother because you were missing me" he said "..." she was quiet "Oh So you not gonna say nothing.." I said "Hakeem..it was a one time thing" She said "But that's my blood brother that's some dirty shit" I said "Hakeem I'm srry" She said I got up "I think it's time for you to go" I said "Why" she said I opened the door I saw tiana she welcomed her self in "Oh look who's here" tiana said "What is she doing here" Skylar said "He invited me" tiana said Skylar looked at me "Really Hakeem" she said "Hey you with my brother why can't I be with Tiana as in move on" I said kissing tiana "Oh just so you know your not seeing your kids" she said throwing her ring "Oh I already got that taking care of..you better say your last goodbyes tomorrow I'm taking them" I said laughing "You Asshole" she said crying leaving Me & tiana started making out "Wow I can't believe she's finally gone" She said "Yeah Me too" I said while tackling her on the bed You know the rest

Skylar's P.O.V
I can't believe Hakeem would do this too me taking my kids away from me That's going to far..We was supposed to get married but I guess that's not happening I really messed up with having sex with Jamal What did I get my self in too I went to sleep in a long t-shirt that's Hakeem's

(Just so you know Hakeem and skylar has a house of there own & has there own apartments at empire but the house that Hakeem and skylar are sharing Hakeem took it now Skylar's lives at empire in her apartment)
Hakeem came out of jail & skylar had to mess everything up what has skylar got herself into Hakeem is with Tiana I don't think skylar is gonna have a relationship now that the situation she's in
Is the Lyon family gonna be upset of the news they heard?
Is Hakeem gonna let skylar see her kids?
Will the kids be ok with living with there dad?
If you think so leave some
Comments, (Most importantly comment plzz)

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