VIII-kur mēs pamodīsimies

70 5 0

"Take my hand, let's see where we wake up tomorrow. Best laid plans are sometimes just a one night stands."
/Adam Levine/

"Don't you forget me"
/The Breakfast Club/

"Love me when I'm rain, hold me when I'm fire"
/Rune Lazuli/

"They will not control us"

"I think i talk too much, I need to listen baby. I think I try too hard, how I look, what I do, what I'm saying"
/The Neighborhood/

"I've been thinking too much"

"But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark?"
/Adam Levine/

"You need to know, that you keep me up all night"

Dažkārt liekas, ka tu esi nokritis tik zemu. Ļauj tevi piecelt, bet neļauj sevi apvārdot. Turies pie patiesības pat ja sāp. Ir grūti, varbūt nāk labāki laiki, varbūt vēl sliktāki. Mēs esam vāji. Vāji lai celtos un lai vēl celtu citus... Bet ja ir spēks, celies pats un cel citus.

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