The Pairings (2)

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gajeels pov

today is the day where i have to go to this stupid program thing. why do i have to go? i don't want kids. i'm not a father figure. well at least i get to  miss science because i didn't do the homework. 

i see my basketball team and they looked at me sorrow but with humor at the same time. 

'yo Gajeel, you still doing that parenting program?' gray laughed and i just glared. 

'why are you aiming at me, hot heads doing it as well' i moaned. 

'yeah but i'm more likely to have kids. and i actually like kids.  therefore me and my GIRLFRIEND are doing the parenting program together' 

'yeah yeh whtever' i gruffed. 


i walk in the parenting program with lucy. she loks annoyed because Natsu is surposed to be with her. oh well he'll turn up. 

'where is he?' lucy grew impatient. 

'don't worry Lu-chan, he'll be here' i smiled trying to calm her down. 

'why is he always late?' lucy cried and i just sat her down. 

'you know hes late to everything' i said and she giggled. 

'yeah i guess your right' she said sounding more calm and we both sat down. 

'welcome everyone...for those who are late you can just give them recap. are you all doing. i hope you are exited for the parenting program' the woman said. seriously i can't believe i'm doing this. i am exited and nervous at the same time. what if i can't do this. oh well it'll make my parents happy. 

'sorry we're late...we forgot!' natsu came bursting in with ugh...gajeel. why is he even here. he's in our friend group but i never talk to him becuase we both hate each other. i swear he said he was never going to have kids. 

'its okay. better late than ever. its lovley to have a couple with the same gender joining together. how brave' me and lucy just smirked and laughed quietly. 

'WHAT!...I AIN'T GAY!' gajeel shouted. 'he's with the little blonde' gajeel explained. 

'oh then who are you with?' 

'ummm...single parent' he said. i was kind of shocked. 

'okay...take a seat next to levy gajeel and we can continue' ugh great why me? 


Gajeels POV 

that was the most boring lesson ever. i didn't even learn anything. i just fell asleep. 

'Gajeel, Levy can i see you two please' what now? 

'you guys are the only single parents' the woman explined. 

'so' i said with a moody voice. 

'so, there arn't enough children to look after. you see parenting program is when couples in this school can be happy and look forward for the future' 

'look. i don't mind being paired with someone but please not him' 

'how rude shrimp' i mocked. i don't want to be paired with her. 

'i'm sorry guys, either be a team or don't do the program' ugh great. i can't live without my bike or car. i guess i have no choice. 

'fine we'll do the program together' levy said and i blushed. why am i blushing. quite embarrised. 

'right well i will see you guys next monday. don't forget thats when you see who your looking after. what age have you guys gone for?' oh crap what age was it? 

'3 or 4' levy said. 

'is that alright with you gajeel?' all i did was nod. i didn't want to do this. i'm going to fail so badly. 


the day past and drove back home with my brother and sister. i was so annoyed. 

we all walked in the kitchen and saw my mum and dad flirting 

'eww' we all said in unison. 

'hey guys how was your day' 

'good' juvia and rogue said in unison i just stayed quiet becuase i was still annoyed. 

'gajeel what about you?' my dad asked and i just glared at everyone wanting to know how the bloody first lesson of the baby program was. 

'um well...i have to be paired with levy Mcgaren-' 

'i thought you hated her?' juvia asked. 

'well i do, but its either pair with her or get of the program so i went with the pair suggestion' i moaned. 

'well i think thats better becuase you can learn to have a relationship' my dad said. 

'did i not just say i hate her, she hates me' i said. 

'gajeel hate is a very strong word. you dislike her' my mother corrected. 

'no mum them two are like lions fighting over a scrap of meat' juvia said. i swear i heard that line before. 

'have you been watching the lion king 2 or something' i asked and juvia giggled. 

'its true though. you guys really don't get along' she said. 

'how do you even know this?' i asked. 

'um gray-sama is in your group is he not?, where ever gray is i there too, you just don't know it' 

'juvia, your 15. i'm in sixth cannot date gray anyway because hes dating-' 

'DO NOT SAY HER NAME IN MY PRESENCE!' jesus..she really likes him. what a freak. 

'well him and ultear are happily in love. a 10th grader is not going to catch his eyes' i chuckled and walked up the stairs. 

'GAJEEL YOU BULLY' my mum shouted in a jokish way and i just walked to my bedroom and played my guitar. 

i really don't want to do this :( 


hope you liked this chapter. 

obviously the next one will be about them getting to meet the child :) 

i hope you found it funny. it wasn't really funny per say but you know i'm going to try and mke it funnier in the future chapters. 

well post real soon 

thanks for reading guys :) 

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