The Training

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Daddy said not to show my strengths so other tributes would be surprised at what I can do at the arena. So I skip the tridents and knives. I walk around and try to find Primrose. I turn around to see Alamar already hanging out with the other Careers. “Bay!” Alamar calls to me. I walk to him. “Yes?” I say. “Wanna join the Careers?” he asks me. I stand there in disbelief, staring at him. “Wait. First you need to show us if you’re worthy enough,” says Royce from District 1. I just stare blankly at them. “Um… Uh…” is all that came out of my mouth. “Go show ‘em what you can do with that trident,” Alamar says. So much for having my talent hidden. Well, I have nothing to loose now. I nod and walk to the section where the tridents are. I grab a trident and three knives. I go into the room where I go against these holographic things. The holograph things are shaped like people and they try to attack you, as if you were in the Games. Alamar and the Careers stand by the glass and watch. I get ready and press the button to start. A person starts running to me with a spear at hand. The person throws the spear and I dodge it and throw my trident. It hits the holograph person in the chest and I run to get my trident back. I get it and turn around quickly to find another holograph going after me. I throw the trident again and hit the holograph’s head. It falls down dead. Then there are three holographs surrounding me and closing in on me. There’s no time to get my trident back. I hold my knives, one in my left, and the other two in the other hand. I throw one at the holograph in front of me and it hits it square in the chest. I quickly turn around and throw the other two knives at the same time, one going through the stomach of one holograph and the other one impaling itself in the head of the other. It’s over, the doors open again and I walk out. The girl from 2, Catia, walks to me and shakes my hand, “Welcome to the Careers.” I nod. I look past her and get a glance of Primrose looking at me from a distance. Oh no, I’ve probably scared her with the whole trident and knife-throwing thing. So much for having her as an ally… or as a friend either. Adrian was right; I really had no choice but to join the careers.

I go to the knot tying station and practice my knot tying. I’m really good at it since I’m from District 4 and I make nets a lot. Primrose is also at the knot tying station and she’s struggling with a knot. I walk to her and sit in front of her. She’s too focused on the knot to notice me. I quickly grab the rope and finish the knot for her. I give her back the rope and smile. She smiles at me too, for a moment, until she realizes who I am. She looks like she’s going to scream or run away or something. “Don’t be scared! Please,” I look down. I never intended to scare anyone. Stupid Alamar for getting me into the Career pack. Now everyone’s going to be scared of me. I feel a tear drip down my cheek. “Don’t cry,” Primrose says to me. She puts a comforting hand on my shoulder. I don’t know why I’m crying, it just came out. I look at Primrose while I wipe my tears. “I’m sorry, I should go,” I say quickly while getting up. She doesn’t say anything so I just walk away.

I find Alamar and ask him if we can go to our floor early. He nods and says bye to the Careers. Once we reach our floor we both sit on the couch. I start talking, “Why did you put me in the Careers? So you can find me easier and kill me quicker?” I say at him angrily.

He looks at me baffled, “Why would I do that? I put you in the Careers to protect you!”

“I could protect myself!” I yell at him, holding back the tears in my eyes.

“Yes, I know, but I just… I don’t know,” he sighs.

“You know I won’t be able to kill anyone. Once the Careers find that out, they will kill me!”

“No they won’t, I’ll protect you.”

“But then they’ll kill you.” By then, the tears are flowing down my cheeks. Why do I keep on crying?

“Don’t cry. Please don’t cry. You’ll only make matters worse.”

“Just… just leave me alone,” I say running off into the safety of my room.

I seem to have fallen asleep because I look at the clock and it’s already morning. Today we are evaluated one by one in the training center. I get up and take a quick shower. I put on a random shirt and some pants. I head to the training center without saying good morning to anyone. Once there, I sit down in the room where we’re supposed to wait until our turn. I still don’t know what I’m going to do. I guess I’ll figure it out once I’m in there. Once everyone gets there, the Careers greet Alamar and I. “Tiffany, District One,” I hear a voice from the speaker say. Tiffany stands up and walks into the training center room.

It takes a while for my name to be called, but soon I hear, “Rosebay, District Four.” I stand up from my chair and slowly start walking in. “Good luck,” Alamar says, but I just ignore him. I’m inside and I see some rope and a trident, perfect! The Gamemakers are looking at me, eyeing me to see what I do next. I suddenly feel very nervous, but I ignore the feeling. I only have three minutes. I hurriedly walk to the ropes. I grab some rope and start making a net. It takes me about thirty seconds to make the net with my very skilled fingers. I grab the trident and run to a holograph person who is just wandering around and i throw the net on it. I stab it several times in the stomach with my trident. I then see a holograph person running to me with a holograph axe in its hand. My trident is tangled in the net. I almost panic, but then realize that I have a knife in my back pocket. I rapidly grab the knife and throw it into the skull of the holograph.

I’m sitting by the television, anxiously awaiting my training score. Tiffany got a 10 and so did Royce and Griffon. Catia got an 11. Alamar also got a 10. Now it’s my turn. I got… an 11!!! Yay! My parents are cheering happily. I continue watching and wait until Primrose’s score goes on. I’m shocked to see that she got a 9. I wonder what she did to get such a good score. Well… I should head to my room and sleep. Tomorrow’s going to be a busy day with the interviews.

Here's a very long chapter for ya'll !!! Hope ya'll liked!!! Vote, Comment, Follow!!! Any suggestions for the interviews? Tell your friends about this story! I'll update some time next week. Love ya'll !!!


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