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I go to back to where I was sitting before. I watch the television as Alamar makes his way to the stage. Caesar and Alamar both sit down.

"Welcome! How are you liking the Capitol?" Caesar asks him. "Well, it's just wonderful. It's beautiful. I definitely love the cinnamon rolls," he replies happily. At the cinnamon rolls comment, Caesar and the crowd laugh. "So out of everything in the Capitol, the cinnamon rolls are the best thing?" Caesar asks still laughing. "Yes! Of course! They're delicious!" he replies to Caesar, smiling widely. Once the crowd settles down, he asks Alamar, "So how was your life back at district four?" "Well... It was just plain, not that interesting. My family is quite the boring bunch. The only interesting thing about my family is that my great aunt was Mags, a former victor of the Hunger Games."

WHAT!!! Mags was his aunt!?!?!?! "You mean the Mags!? I didn't know that," Caesar says surprised. "Yeah. Seems like you don't only have two competitors in these Games with Victors' blood," Alamar laughs. But if he was the nephew of Mags, then why didn't he live in the Victor's Village? "Wow. Well, this is going to be an interesting Games this year, in the 97th Hunger Games," Caesar says. Ding!

"There's the timer!" Caesar says, standing up. Alamar stands up as well. "Alamar Perez! District Four!!"

Alamar leaves the stage smiling happily at the crowd. He comes back into the room. I see him and our eyes briefly meet. I look away quickly to the television, not really watching the screen. I notice him sit down and my head turns back towards him. Should I say something? He catches me staring at him. He smiles a bit. I start blushing and look away again. "Hey," he says. "Hi," I reply. "Cool interview. You seemed kinda nervous, though," he chuckles. "Yeah... You had a good interview too. Everyone loved you." "Of course they did! I'm Alamar! What's not to like!" I laugh at his arrogant comment. "What? Don't laugh! It's true, and don't deny it!" he says, poking my dimples on my cheeks.

"Stop flirting, you love birds!" I hear from the other end of the room. That comment causes everyone in the room to at least smile. Everyone except me. I'm blushing like crazy. I try to cover my face to hide the blushing.

The interviews are over. All the tributes stand up as the Capitol Anthem plays. Once the song finishes, we all leave to our rooms. I go into elevator with Alamar.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" he asks. Tomorrow? What's tomorrow? I probably have a puzzled look on my face because he says, "The Games. Are you ready for the Games?" Shoot! The Games start tomorrow!! I forgot! "Oh. Um, I-I guess." Alamar walks closer to me. I'm shorter than him, so he has to look down to see me. He grabs both my hands in his. "Hey, it's okay. Don't worry. You'll win. I'm sure of it," he gently says. "But what about you?" I barely whisper. "I'll be with you the whole time. Even if you can't see me. I will be there for you, Rosebay." The elevator dings. We've reached our floor.

I let go of Alamar's hands and walk out, looking down. "Wait. Wait! Rosebay!" he calls out to me, but I keep walking. He catches up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder. I look at him from around my shoulder. He asks me the question that I've been dreading. "In the interview. Caesar asked if you had feelings for someone else other than your boyfriend, Adrian. Do you?" I turn around to face him completely. I slowly come to a conclusion and nod my head. "Who is it, Bay?" I look up at him, right in the eye. "You," I finally say.

Awww! I love these two. The ship name is Alabay, if any of you were wondering. like, comment, follow!!!

If you have time, please please please Read my other story, "The Killing". Love ya'll!!!


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