t h e n o i s e w a s n i c e

23 3 0

Singing the song of freedom
And Enjoying the different hues
The blaring screams that echoed through the night
Letting out everything in rhythm and blues

The darkness was exciting
The noise was nice for once
Lungs ran out of air
Wait, she knew how to dance?

A rare journey of a little girl
A day before she'd rot
She learned what happiness was
Something that was self-taught.

She knew she had a wild heart,
Yet it was the one that can be tamed
The one that was full of wonders
But the one that was considered lame

She let her heart pound at the sound of the beats
Thanking God for a moment He sufficed
A moment of silence on the inside of her mind
Replaced with the noise that was for once, was nice.

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