chapter 7: just a dream...

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Your POV:

Aahh! I woke up screaming. I looked around my room to find it different. Soon after three people run in my room, a small girl, a teenage boy, and a older gentleman. "Oh my, what's wrong Erica!?" The teen asked. "Who are you!!? Where am I!!??!" I asked confused, where is Dave!!?
"Again!!? Oh no, I'll explain to her, go eat guys" the teen said. "I'm your twin brother, Eric. You live in California. You have a little sister named Carrie. And a dad named Blake. Today is our birthday, we're turning seventeen and we have every class at school together. Understand yet??" The teen said really fast. I remember now. " thanks Eric, I remember something's.. not a lot tho" he smiles warmly. "Alright get dressed and remember your driving us today, you haven't really been driving your car lately... and we have to pick up Jessica and Skylar today also. Alright?" I nodded and he left. I put on the matching outfit to his and headed down the three flights of stairs. I made it downstairs and I pulled Eric out the door with me. He directed me to Jessica's house and we picked her up and headed to Skylar's house. By the way Eric and Jessica are making out in my backseat I'm guessing their dating. When we made it to Skylar's house he got in the front seat and kissed my cheek. I think i'm dating him. " Hey, this morning I lost some of my memory, who are you?" He looked annoyed, " that's the third time this year Erica!! I'm Skylar.. your boyfriend, we've been dating for three years!!" Oh, he's nothing like Dave.
We arrived at school and Skylar grabbed my hand and pulled me to his locker where he pushed me against them and started to make out with me. It didn't feel right, to kiss him. I finally took in his features, he had slightly dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He was five inches taller then me, and his hair was short but curly. He stopped kissing me when the bell rung and Eric took my hand and led me to class. When we walked in all the people stopped and stared at us. Everyone then in unison said 'happy birthday'. We walked to the desks in the very back of the class. "If you forgotten, the teachers love us, but your known as the bad girl. I'm known as the good twin. Yet we both have straight A's." I nodded and he whispered for me to put my feet on the desk. I Did so, and I chewed my gun without paying attention. I remember how I do this now, I'm gonna have fun. The teacher, Mr. Fredwicks, walked up to me and said in a light voice for me to spit my gum out. I stood up and cupped my hand on his cheek and whispered to him "How about we compromise.. after class.." he melted and nodded. Once I got rid of him all the guys were staring at me. I flipped my long Ambre hair,(sorry if I didn't spell that right) light black to white. My blue eyes showing courage.
After class I walked out smirking to the teacher.
After school ended, I walked out to my car. My brother said he was going home with Jessica, and that their gonna walk there. I got in the car and waited for Skylar, only to see him talking to a girl who is showing way to much of her boobs. I got out of my car and locked my car and walked up to Skylar and put my arm around his waist. The girl glared at me and started flirting with him. "Ha~ha, OMG your so funny Sky.." she said in a girly girl voice. She started to rub his arms. That's when I lost it. I tackled the bitch to the ground and punched her over and over until she pried my arms away. Then she pushed me off and got up. I put our shoulders together and lifted her body vertical in the air and slammed her on the concrete. She was gasping for air when on her stomach. I put her arm behind her and pushed it up till her elbow was on the back of her neck, then I pushed up further until I heard a snap. She wailed in pain and started rolling on the ground. I straddled her and grabbed a fist full of her hair and slammed her head into the ground once. Then I got up and pulled a smirking Skylar to my car. I drove to his house furious. Once there I pulled into his house and said hey to his parents while walking up the stairs to his room. I pushed him on his bed and locked his door. I straddled his waist and pressed my lips hard against his. He took over and started groping me. That when I got up and walked to the door, I turned around and kissed him one last time and went to the car.
I went on twitter and saw some kids from my school posted a video titled: 'Badass of our school beat up a bitch that was flirting with her man.' I smiled and went on YouTube. I decided to search up: 'Boyinaband.' To see if all my life was a dream. Videos popped up and one titled
'I'm engaged!?' Caught my attention.


"Hi, I'm Dave from Boyinaband. And since I already showed you guys my girlfriend (y/n), I decided that I should tell you guys... I proposed to her!!" He smiled. He looked really happy. "Here's the video and some pictures":

(Shows the video that was filmed while he proposed to you)

"I love her guys, I really do. And she's carrying my baby.." he let a tear roll down his face. "Well, my girlfriend is sleeping right now so I can't show you the ring but me and her will make and update as soon as possible"

And with that he ended the video.
I didn't realise it but I was crying. I really missed him. I decided to leave a comment saying: " I'm so happy for you Dave!!" I hope he sees it.

(Game changer!! How do you like it? I'm gonna explain more later. Bye y'all, have a great day)


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