Chapter Twenty-Five: Detention

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Annabeth's POV
Ugh! I wish we had never pranked that stupid pug face!

I held Percy's hand as we walked up to Professor Burgess's office for detention.

"I wish we'd never pulled that stupid prank!" I muttered to myself angrily.

Percy looked pitifully at me. "Wise Girl, it's just a detention. It'll be fine, trust me." He said soothingly.

"Well, Seaweed Brain, believe it or not, I'd prefer not to have any detentions." I replied, pouting.

"Have you ever even had a detention before? Honestly, it's not like you're going to die." He asked, rolling his eyes and pulling me closer to him.

"I try not to get in trouble at school, Percy." I answered grinning.

"Of course." He said, smiling. "Hey! Leo! Would you explain to Annabeth here that detentions aren't that bad?" He calls over to Leo.

"Telling Calypso her me the exact same thing, actually." Leo calls back. I look at Calypso and we both roll our eyes at the same time.

When we reached Proffessor Burgess's office, Jason knocked on the door. We waited a few seconds before she opened the door. Her blonde hair was tied up in a messy ponytail and her bright blue eyes were full of energy. Light flickered across her pale face.

"Ah! You're all here now." She said, smiling.

"Yes Professor," we all replied in unison.

"Wait, what about Pansy?" Will asked.

"Oh, she'll be having a detention with me another day, writing lines. You guys, however, will be helping me search in the Forbidden Forest, to make sure everything is under control there."

"Um, that sounds like a great idea!" Leo said sarcastically. "I'm sure its forbidden because it's full of rainbows and pink fluffy unicorns!" He added.

"Um, actually, Leo, the are unicorns in the Forbidden Forest," Ron pointed out. "Just, not pink fluffy ones."

"Uh... really? Not exactly helping me here. Well, my point is, that it has to be forbidden for a reason, not just because the teachers went hey, look that's a lovely forest there! I know, let's make it forbidden to the students! My bet it that it is forbidden because it's dangerous and the teachers made it forbidden because it's dangerous!" He exclaimed.

"Well, yes, it is dangerous, but it's fine. We've been in there loads of times!" Harry said.

"Let's go, shall we?" Professor Burgess interrupted. "I'll pretend I did not just hear you say you've been in the strictly forbidden area..." she added.

"Yeah, let's get it over with," I agreed as we set off.

• • •

We walked through the forest in a group, sticking closely together. Tall gnarled trees loomed over our heads. A thin mist hovered over the floor and clung on to the trees. I could hardly see anything in the dark, I woman grateful that we all had wands to light up our pathways. The ground was dried and pine leaves were scattered over it. I made an effort not to trip up on the roots. Also, I could hear strange noises in the distance. I gripped onto my wand as we walked along, but I was reassured by my dagger hanging at my side.

We reached a clearing and professor Burgess stopped us.

"Why have we stopped?" Travis asked.

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