Chapter 11

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Many thanks to those of you who read, vote and comment.  Your patience and support means the world to me :)  Please tell me what you think of the story so far.  I really need to know if it's running smoothly or not.  Happy reading guys :)


He scrambled away from her retracting his teeth, shocked that he could be so stupid.  What had they done?


Her eyes went wide with alarm, and then she began to shiver.  He wasn’t sure if it was from fear, shock or what they’d been doing before that.  

He moved over her again, his own trembling hands cupping her cheeks tenderly.  He could feel the heat in her body rising with every tattered breath she took. 

“Talk to me.  Please.  Be ok.”  He begged.  He hadn’t bit into her, but she definitely had bitten him.  If anything happened because of him…he would have no reason to exist without her. 

She gaped at him unseeing, fingers grasping his forearms in a death grip.

“Sofia?”  He was freaking out now. 

“Hold me?”  Her frightened voice nearly broke him.  He gathered her in his arms mentally cursing himself while a million thoughts raced through his mind.  ‘Should I get Shane?  How do I get him?  Dammit, I’m such an idiot!  I should have been more careful…’


He was so busy arguing with himself that he almost didn’t hear her. 

“Kai.  Stop doing that to yourself.”


“Just hold me.  Stop thinking so much.”  She shivered again, tucking her face into the crook of his neck.   

“Tell me the truth.  Please.  I need to know you’re ok.” 

“Shh.  Give me a minute.  I will be.” 

His heartbeat thundered almost as loudly as hers.  He couldn’t recall ever being so scared in his life.  She wound her hands around his bare back hugging him tighter, as if to convince herself that her words were true.

“You’re not sure about that either, are you?  What we did was reckless…”

Her lips found his, cutting him off.  He lost his train of thought for a moment, but regained control quickly.  

“I’m ok.  Just a little off balance.”  She whispered against his mouth when he pulled back to glare at her for using that tactic. 

“Your body temp is still rising.”  He reminded her worriedly as his lips brushed against her forehead.  “How much did you take?”

“Not much.  I’m not cold anymore.”   

His eyes flashed anxiously as they searched hers.  “Not much?  I’m shocked that you’re still talking to me right now.” 

“And I’m not.  Nor am I sorry that I did it.”  She told him stubbornly.  “Trust me.  You can’t hurt me Kai.  Not the way you think.”

He nodded uncertainly.  He didn’t want to be fighting her right now.

“Why didn’t you bite me back?”  The question threw him off guard.

“I didn’t want to hurt you.”  He told her truthfully. 

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