Chapter 21

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There you go :D  Hopefully this tides you over until the next weekend :P  Thanx for all the reads, votes and comments people.  You are ALL asweome.  There's no editng done, so please mind the errors :P   Much love :D 


He scanned the street quickly before entering the morgue.  Grinning at the fact that he would be alone with the bodies; he proceeded to knock out a few cameras with blinding speed as he made his way to the room.  The lab tech was hunched over one of the dead women with a scalpel in one hand, his forehead furrowed in concentration.  Dante knocked politely before entering, making sure he made eye contact as the man greeted him in confusion.  He immediately commanded him to stand in the corner and face the wall.  Then he walked around the table and admired the skewered organs on the X-ray screen.  He smiled, moving lazily into the next room to the freezers and pulled them all open.  Lifeless, gray cadavers, covered in stark white sheets lined up before him.  He started from one end, throwing off the covers from their faces and smiling at his handiwork as he found each of his victims.  They were all very generous with the amount of fear they added to his cocktail of essence, so he ran his hands randomly over them in silent thanks.  They were not so beautiful now, he mused, nibbling on his lower lip as he smelled himself on them.  Too bad.  The hollowed out cheeks and sunken eyes were a dead giveaway, and the pun made him chuckle.  Yep, that was telltale Crimson all right.   

“You, get over here.”  He called to the tech.

The man turned without expression and came to stand beside him. 

“Tell me, what do you think caused this?”  He pointed to the cleanly washed blue gray female neatly stapled together from her belly button to her collar bone, the y-shaped cut coated in a brownish yellow substance that carried a distinctly pungent stench of iodine and himself.

The man, Roan, the nameplate said, ran his fingers over the cadaver on the table in front of him.  “There was no internal bleeding detected on this one even though her heart and lung were punctured by her ribs.  Fractured skull, shattered pelvis, severed spine…thirty two broken bones in all.  But she was dead when she hit the ground.  Cause of death would have been uncertain, except that her throat was torn.  So in this case, I am likely to call cause of death as a brutal attack with a wide toothed blade. 

“Okay, hold up.  He ordered.

The man paused and stared at him blankly.

“Next body.”

Roan moved from one to the next, pointing out similarities between the attacks, and ending with the same conclusion.  “Brutal attack by the same or similar weapon.” 

By the time he was done, Dante’s urge to drain was back tenfold.  He resisted killing the helpful tech, instead making him forget their meeting.  Then he made his way out of the building to wait for the others.  No one would question his scent on the dead now…


Kai came shooting through the clearing with a grin on his face.  She could feel the excitement of the chase as he did; the tingling of her mark increased in strength as he came closer, and with a single leap over the porch rails he was directly in front of her.  His face was alight with the thrill of the run, his slightly glowing skin and sparkling aqua eyes would have made him look angelic if it wasn’t for the dark hair that fell across his forehead in a tousled mass of sexy-dangerous.  She brushed a hand through the soft strands while he inched closer to her and kissed her softly.  The solid length of his body pressing against hers made her feel safe and protected, until Medea muttered from the side.  Locking his fingers with hers, he leaned back against the rail and held her to his chest.  Medea rolled her eyes.  She was sitting on the rail, legs dangling over, looking into the trees as Damien appeared, followed by a huge gray wolf.  They skid to a halt, surprise and shock on Damien’s face, and a wide eyed open jawed stare from the wolf.  The shaggy ball of fur raced to the side of the house while Damien laughed and ran up the steps slowly.  Lock appeared a moment later, pulling down his T and straightening out his unruly dark hair.  He patted Kai playfully on the back and joined Damien, who was making himself comfortable on one of the chairs. 

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