Chapter 20

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                             you guys go.  Another chapter as promised.  Hope you like it.  Special thanx to all who have read, voted and commented on my previous chapters.  Do what you gotta do here as well ;)  lol.  Drop me some feedback too :D  Happy reading.


He held out the box of muffins to Kai, still keeping his smile guarded, but the gesture was appreciated by the younger man. 

“Thanks.”  He grabbed the first one he could reach and took a bite.  “Hmm, choc chip…” 

Sofia came up behind him and thumbed a few crumbs from the side of his mouth.  He chewed, smiling as she followed her action with a kiss.  They literally glowed in each others’ company, strange as it was. 

Kai caught a bottle of water before it knocked him on the head and winked at Nik, who rolled his eyes. 

“Nice catch.”  Locke complimented.  He grinned back, pulling his mate with him to the couch.  He dropped cross legged to the floor, and Sofia plopped down in the little gap in between his legs with a giggle.  He watched amused, as the two of them interacted.      Kai was nothing short of a boy really, well in front of them anyway.  After their thousand-year plus existence, a four hundred year old was practically a child.  Well, the only real child among them would be the youngling.  He’d spoken to her while Nik and Kai were inside with Damien.  Even Medea, the ice queen, couldn’t help herself around the bubbly girl.  Sofia…Her name was as pretty as she was, her delightfully fresh outlook keeping them all at ease.  How she’d ended up with the monster was beyond him.  Then again, Kai wasn’t a monster he thought him to be. 

Just then Damien walked into the living room and everyone went silent.  They’d been listening in on their conversation, and it seemed the broken family finally made their peace.  Still, he couldn’t help but feel sympathy when a flash of pain crossed over Kai’s face as his eyes followed the man.  Damien had washed, and even while dressed in the same clothes he had on earlier, he looked decidedly healthier as he grabbed a muffin from the table and pulled up a chair, straddling it and taking a huge chunk out of the side.   

His eyes flicked across the room to Nik.  He was leaning close to Medea while they murmured quietly between themselves.  They actually made a cute couple, like Kai and Sofia.  That thought made him smile, and earned him a weird look from Damien.   

Hmm, maybe he was getting soft…

Kai turned abruptly, focusing on Medea and Nik.  Sofia tensed without looking back and cupped his knees and then she slowly turned aside.

Medea shivered, her eyes glossing over.  Nik caught her against him and slid to the ground holding on to her while she stared ahead.

“What’s going on?”  Locke asked worriedly standing up.

There was a long unsettling silence, before her eyes cleared and she gripped Nik’s arm tightly.

“You need to get back to the others now.”  Her voice was strained, frightened.

“What did you see?”  Locke almost yelled.

“Trouble.”  She looked between the lot of them and met Nik’s eyes.  “If you don’t get back right now, there may be no way of hiding what happened here today.”

Kai swiveled away from them and glared at the window frowning.  A short growl left his lips as Sofia scrambled away from his lap before he shot to the sill.  “The hell?”

“What is it?”  Damien asked, the others already bristling at his reaction. 

Kai tensed.  “We have to leave the city.”

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