Chapter 26

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Before I let you begin, my cast and I would like to wish a friend Anne Katrine Hansen, a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY. We dedicate this chapter to you :) Have a great one, and we hope you like it :) (*BIG squishy HUG*)

Now, to all my readers, voters and commenters, THANK YOU GUYS!! We have finally gotten to the Blood Moon rising, unfortunately, you only get a bit....This is a loooong chapter. (Hope it isn't boring*) Ok, that said, go on and read :D And don't forget the feedback....I await your comments :D



The day flew by surprisingly fast and so did most of the night, but he wasn't finished yet. There was plenty to be done before the Blood Moon rose. After his informative conversation with Caleb and Ulrica, he had to admit that opening up had reinforced his trust in them. Medea popped into his train of thought for the hundredth time and he finally gave up and threw his hands in the air.

"Guys, as much as I'd love to stick around and watch you two bicker over tactics, I need some privacy."

Caleb grunted in response, and Ulrica turned from the open lap top. She looked apologetic, but Nik quickly assured her that he was not asking them to leave.

"Sit, work, feed, go to bed...You guys are at home here. Go ahead, enjoy. I'll be in my room."

They were pinning possible locations to track down Leo and Maier. They had all agreed that if those two could prove their innocence, then Dante was already in deep trouble for falsely accusing them. They needed to work together to put him in his place, but again, they could do nothing without proof.

They both accepted his offer and turned back to what they were doing. Nik sighed, then ran up the stairs and shut the door quietly behind him.

The sky was getting lighter, the sun struggling to throw its multi colored hues through the remaining clouds as it lazily inched its way upwards. He longed to see Medea again, but settled for a little mind to mind chat instead, considering his guests downstairs. Throwing himself on the bed, he relaxed his body, shut off the link with the others, and called out to her.

'You up, babe?'

'Hmm, I am now.' She answered after a second.

'Sorry if I woke you.' He apologized.

'No biggie. You beat the sun by five minutes.'

He could hear the smile in her inner voice, and smiled as well. 'Everything alright?'

'Yeah, I guess. Did Damien agree with my suggestion?' He asked.

'He did.' Medea told him, but then she added, 'Kai didn't seem too excited though.'

'I wasn't expecting him to be. Damien may be Crimson, but we all know that he isn't a fighter. If Dante catches him out, he could be in trouble.'

'Yes, I have told him that, but it's a risk he was willing to take. After what you told us, we all agree that he needs to be monitored closely. Personally, I don't trust him.'

'Yeah. He's landed himself in a heap of trouble with his secrecy and stupidity lately.'

She sighed. 'You sound uneasy. If it helps, Damien can take care of himself. He may not be a fighter, but he has strength enough to take on Dante if he has to. We have decided that I will leave him in the city to pick up Dante's scent. The meeting ground will be too open and my sisters will definitely notice him.'

'Sounds good, and I can step in for my father if the need arises. I'm more worried about how Locke will take seeing Dante after all these years.' He grimaced, and Medea automatically did the same, remembering what went down that day.

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