Chapter 31

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Hi Guys...Thanx for all the reads, votes and comments :)  Even the quiet ones ;)  I appreciate every single one of you and the support you have lent to my story.  Please forgive the errors, as this has not been edited, and for the ones who want to see some Dante bashing, you'll get exactly that in about two chapters from  As you can all see, this story is coming to a close...Sad, but true :(  Any suggestions, predictions...venting :P  All are welcome....Oh, and to my regular commentors....YOU ROCK AWESOME PEOPLE!!!!  Big Squishy Hugs for all of you**  :D 

Song for Kai and Sofia during the separation ======> Sound of Missing You :)  Awesome track :D


He poked at the unconscious girl with the toe of his shoe and his lips curled in a satisfied smirk.  Breathing hard, he stepped back and swiped a hand across his forehead.  The girl was still now.  Silent, just the way he preferred since she wasn’t shrieking in fright.  ‘What the heck was wrong with her?  Didn’t she know better?’   The smell of the blood pooling in the sand was tempting to say the least, but she was right.  He did not know what ran through her veins, tainted as she was.  He spat over his shoulder as he stalked away from her, listening with growing delight as his underlings argued over their next victim.  He had to feed them properly, if he intended to use them the way he needed to.  Tainted essence was like a drug.  Hard to resist after first taste and even harder to disregard when instant addiction set in.  He knew they would fight each other to the death for the last drop, and they were already his through submission.  So easy…

At the mouth of the cave, he watched with satisfaction as younglings bickered and fought while on the hunt. 

A few hours were all it took, and already, the craving had set in.  He called Shane, who had just appeared with another group in tow.  Humans…

About a hundred Crimson stopped briefly to flash their teeth at the newcomers.  They visibly shook, and their fearful faces made his lips twitch as his fangs poked through in anticipation.  He’d have the brunette…

They turned their petrified gazes to the chaos around them and gasped in horror.  He tried, for their benefit to see what they saw, but to him it was a thing of beauty.  Humans lay strewn haphazardly along the way, some broken, some torn, some still fighting for their last breaths of air…The smell of blood and fear filled his senses as he followed a chase in the distance with his eyes…There was no contest, seriously, and the grace with which the younglings brought them down, was like pure perfection.  This place he’d chosen was hidden on the map, just enough to be missed and big enough to hold his army.  A small island, filled with little greenery and high mountains, uninhabited by people and untouched by anyone until he arrived.  It didn’t take him more than a few minutes to feel right at home in it, and having set it up according to his likes with Shane earlier, it could almost be...There were about a dozen caves along the rocky inclines and smooth rock faces, but he liked this one…there was an underground stream that ran through it, and a nice big semi flat area that could hold all of them comfortably sitting up or standing.

The animals that roamed around had clearly been in charge until he disturbed them, but wouldn’t they be glad for the company…

He’d found other Crimson with the teleporting talent as well, and they were already doing his bidding.  A shrill scream filled the air, followed by another. 

Turning back to the humans, he looked them each in the eye and told them to stay put, his gaze lingering on the elfin features and petite body of his chosen victim.  They had no choice but to obey, and after Shane left them to go with him, they remained standing there trembling but unable to move away.

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