ONE SHOTS-Surprise ;)

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Forbidden Lineage-One Shots

Guess the POV, lol.  I let it spill about halfway through though :D  Hope you guys like it, and if there are any requests on couples or singles, let me know. 

Thank you all for reading.  Votes and comments are always welcome ;)  (Just saying, haha)


He was looking at her now with so much love that her insides warmed and she couldn't hide the excitement flitting across her face as he watched her come to him.  Simply put, no one had ever looked at her that way, nor would anyone ever.  They weren't mates.  Not by a long shot, but this was the closest they'd ever get to it.  They were bonded in ways that no supernatural would understand.  Not Crimson, nor Shifter.  Because theirs wasn't a love borne from lust or uncontrollable passion, but from understanding.  It was pure, and simple.  A meeting of hearts, both beating to a different rhythm, but beating with adoration and hope.  It was like a tiny spark when she felt it first and before she could even fathom what was happening to her, it had grown into a full blown flame. 

Never understanding whether he felt the same or not, she secretly welcomed it, too afraid of another rejection to share her thoughts or ask him outright, yet wondering if it could turn to more.  Wishing it would...

 It was that comfort she felt when his arms closed around her.  The silence that spoke a million words.  The companionship she enjoyed when they spent time together and the utter terror of never seeing him again.  It was the way he smelled, outdoorsy and wild, the way he grinned, charming like a rogue, the way he slept, open and trusting, the way his hair curled at his nape, the strength of his personality  and the consideration and perceptiveness he was stunning even now when she thought about it.  Absolutely and without doubt- mind blowing.  It was in the soft sigh he let out when she flew off into a rage, or the booming laugh that shook her to her core.  It was the smile of pride on his lips when she did something he approved of and the roll of his eyes when she fought him.  He didn't hit back.  Not once.  Not even in a game.  But he did make her happy.  Always.

 And they did it, finally.  They tied the knot after they ran off from questioning eyes and joking remarks.  Those words didn't hurt him, of course, but she, well, she didn't take too kindly to being the centre of attention anymore...


Life was wonderful.  Peaceful.  Perfect.  His wolf rumbled in delight as he opened his palms flat on her rounded belly.  She was beautiful in ways he could not describe.  After the mask had fallen off, he'd found this intriguing person underneath.  She was gentle, like a light summer rain.  Fragile, like a rainbow after a storm.  Beautiful, like the first rays of sunlight, and passionate.  Yes, she was definitely passionate. 

Passionate about the things she loved.  And he was so immensely grateful that she considered him one of those.  He would have settled for being her friend, if that was all she wanted.  Followed her around like a faithful dog, keeping her company and enjoying hers.  But when she laughed, dammit his insides turned to jell-o and his heart sped up.  When she looked at him, she seemed to see right into his very soul.  She knew his heart, and his heart knew hers.  The first time she walked into his embrace without prompting, he'd been caught totally off guard.  Her fear of being an outcast had over ridden the usual tough exterior she exuded.  Trembling, she'd opened his arms wide and stepped into them, her soft cheek against his chest, his heart pounding underneath, the shuddering sigh that left her lips, the warm breath that heated his skin even through his T.  When he'd uncertainly closed his arms around her and inhaled...he knew.  He knew in that very moment, that this woman in his arms was right for him.  Was his.  Soulmates or not, she was the very beat of his heart.  And that even an eternity would not be enough to satisfy his growing need to have her close, like this, at all times.  He'd fallen.   Headlong.   Blindly.  Uncontrollably.    And inexplicably, in love with her.  If he died right then, it would have been so worth it to have felt that, even if it was just that once.  Every damned jibe, remark and scoff included.

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