Chapter 28

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Hi there you guys :)  As promised....another update this weekend.  I know things are going to start getting crazy in here, but just hang tight for the ride :)  Thanx to all of you who read, vote and comment.  Even my silent readers.  if it wasn't for you all, I would be doing this for nthing :D 

Please don't forget to leave some feedback.  This one had alot of talk, too litte action, but it's almost upon you :) 

Like it...hate it?  Lemme know :D


She watched as Dante’s eyes grew round, and passed a smug look to Nik.  This morning they’d confessed their love for each other, and promised to complete their bonding as soon as this was over.  Dante had played right into their hands, answering just the way they expected him to.  She’d spoken briefly to her sisters about the things they’d found out, but she couldn’t tell them everything without getting Kai in trouble as well.  She’d have to break their mother’s lie to them eventually, but tonight, they had to break Dante…

 Nik resisted the urge to grin as his eyes flicked to Locke.  Caleb and Ulrica started, even though they were expecting their entrance, but they were not prepared for the dramatic light show that preceded it.  Yesinia for once wasn’t blamed for her confusion. 

Leo held firmly to his mates hand as the trembling table stilled.  Dressed casually in jeans and shirts unlike the rest of them, he waited a beat for Maier to compose herself before letting go.

“We are here to defend our honor as requested.”  He stated formally, omitting a greeting.  His voice was sharp and clear.  His graying hair was neatly combed back, a few flyaway strands hanging over one honey coloured eye.

Dante found his voice, although it was unusually low.  “Requested by whom?”  He clasped his hands on front of him and raised an eyebrow, controlling himself carefully.

“Requested by order of the Guardians.”  Cleverly avoiding a name, he looked Dante dead in the eye.

“We arrived a few hours ago from Tibet.”  Maier added.  She looked tired, but stood erect and sure.  Her long hair was plaited and was the same shade as Leo’s, but her eyes were ice blue.  She swung the plait to her back, the jade signet flashing as she did so.

“Which one of you teleports?”  Medea asked quietly.

“Neither of us do.  We were requested to attend and did so through free will.  Lilura?”  Maier gestured for her to take over.

“I admit it was my spell that brought them to the table, so to speak.”  Lilura smiled mysteriously at Hoyt and Hugo, who seemed to be the only two aside from Yesinia left out of the loop.  They looked to their Alpha, who smiled apologetically.  He hadn’t had time to tell them everything before they arrived, but his hold over them forced them to obey his order.  Simply put…No action, until he gives us a reaction…

They sat back and let him do what he had to without interference.  Locke turned back to Dante.

“Go ahead, Dante.  Accuse them now.  To their faces.  And bear in mind that Tibet is halfway across the world from your victim.  Neither of them have the gift of travel.”  Locke’s voice boomed, and Dante jerked in surprise.  His face contorted in anger briefly when he found Locke smirking at him again.

If this was Oscar night, Nik and Locke would get best actor awards, and Caleb and Ulrica, best supporting cast.  She bit her lip to stop a giggle, but Nik’s eyes sparkled as he caught it.

Dante smoothed over his face again, but still seemed at a loss.  He cleared his throat, and repeated his tale again.  When he was done, both Leo and Maier nodded.

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