Chapter 34

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Hey guys...This was a tough one to write and a lot of perspectives to get through, so I'm leaving it this way.  We get some insight and part of the battle...Hope its alright :)

PS*This chapter is dedicated to Magix :)  Thanx for all your help my friend :D

I haven't edited, so mind the errors.  Thanks to all who have voted and commented on this story.  Love you guys :D  And the silent readers, you mean alot to me too, so yeah, love you guys also :D  If anything fails to make sense to you, feel free to point it out.  Any suggestions or assumptions are welcome as well :)

Okay, go on, read, vote(please vote) and comment (please comment too :P)  lol. 

And don't hate me too much at the end of the chapter ....

Ah, what the heck....hate me....Mwahahahahahahah..... (runs and hides*) 


‘Where the hell is Shane when I need him?  How long does it take to toss a broken female and get back?  Damn, I shouldn’t have altered his rules.’

His hands shook at his sides, but he steadied them and called together his army.  The ones with the best talents were called to the front, while the weaker ones closed in from behind. 

“Ok, listen up.”  He ordered, and silence immediately fell over the lot of them.  His voice dropped to its hypnotic pitch as he issued his commands.  Like puppets on a string, they focused on him solely and agreed to his terms.

No way were the other Guardians changing their minds or overruling his submission.  This time, his secret to keeping them in his control was to ask them to obey his voice only.

He savored the last of the high, turning to where the remaining humans huddled.  ‘Pathetic as always.’

They shivered in fear of what was to come.  There was no time for clean up, and the surrounding bodies made a hellish sight around them, but they too were unable to do anything but listen.  When he was done with the younglings, he turned to the humans. 

“You will go into the cave and wait there until I say otherwise.”  He told them.  “And you will not make a sound.  You are not afraid anymore, is that understood.” 

They straightened up, the look of utter despair and fear completely wiped off their faces now. 

“Go!”  He yelled, and they did.

For a split second, he wished that he’d taken time to think this through.  But then the buzz he felt just by being in charge of what was to come, overruled all other thoughts.

Just as the sun slipped behind the mountain, he saw a flash in the distance.  His dark side took over again, and with his eyes flashing red and deadly, he roared, “Now!” 

‘His enemies had arrived…’

A series of growls followed as the Crimson dispersed to take their positions.   


Without any fear, Shane appeared just outside a large clearing where he could clearly hear loud thwacks and grunts before the fighting grew quiet.  Whoever had won hadn’t even broken a sweat, coming from the deep even breathing coming just past the bushes.  A distinctly unusual scent filtered through the trees.  He hadn’t seen his opponent yet, but he could smell him and the drops of blood and spilled essence around him, and as he was about to step into mayhem an arm wrapped around his throat.  He struggled against the tightening death grip and tried to teleport, not realizing that he was taking the person holding him with.

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