Chapter 38

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Hey guys :)  Last chapter....Wow, can you believe we made it this far?  No?  Me neither.  This one is dedicated to everyone who had read, voted and commented on this story.  Every single one of you is appreciated and loved :D  I cannot thank you enough for all the encouragement and support through every chapter I have posted.  I hope this one is what you've expected, that I haven't slacked and If I did, please tell me where so that I may rectify it....I also hope it doesn't suck...cos I hate goodbyes :( 

The epilogue will be posted in a few days to tie up all the loose ends, so yeah...From the Forbidden Family...Happy reading. 

Please mind the matter how many times I went over this, it wasn't good enough....The next one will only be Kai, so he closes for me :)


They hit the salty depths with a loud splash.  Snatches of foam and water spattered across the swirling surface as the sea closed in over their heads.  As they sunk to the bottom, Dante twisted and struggled for release from Kai’s steel grip.  A roar of bubbles drifted to the top as he opened his mouth to scream, the silent plea being swallowed greedily by their watery cocoon.  Kai could feel a tightness begin to spread through his body as he kept the thrashing man in his grasp.  It took a lot of his strength to hold onto Dante under water.  Dante kicked out against the rocks they were slammed into.  They fought through the relentless undertow, Dante snapping his arms back into position when Kai’s grip loosened.  Tumbling on the sandy ocean bed, the two wrestled for dominance while the water churned around them.  Kai’s eyes glowed brighter as his beast took over the fight.  At this point, Dante’s survival instinct had kicked up a notch as well.  He seemed to understand what was about to happen, and it only served to fuel his attempts at breaking the surface. 

Caught between the angry water that tossed Dante about in his grasp and an even angrier current, Kai realized that this was it.  Although he seemed to be sinking deeper into the sodden seabed and getting tied down by his own body mass, Dante was still light enough to float around and he used that to his advantage as best he could.  Caught in another wild whirl, Kai knocked into something with his back.  A muted crack was followed by a series of falling stones.  His hold on Dante loosened slightly as he avoided the bigger knocks.  Dante used the gap to slither away from him as the next toss threw them back into the rocks again.   Kai pushed himself to reach for him, using the sandy bottom to rocket him towards Dante, but he barely managed to snatch onto the hem of his pants.  Kicking madly, Dante dragged the both of them further upwards before losing his momentum.  He figured it was because he weighed him down, but he didn’t dwell on it as he yanked him to the bottom again. 

‘This is probably what men feel like in space.’  Kai thought while he dragged his arms forward.   Treading water, he tried to secure his hold on him again.  He felt like a block of cement, trying to weave his way through the tumbling undercurrent, being met by equal resistance with each step he took.  

Scrambling along the sand Dante clawed and scraped at everything in his path to keep from becoming locked down again.  His fingers closed around something dark and he brought it around swiftly, arching his body as he tried to attack Kai with it.  Kai ducked, refusing to let go even as the second swipe grazed along his face, breaking the skin and making him lose a precious ounce of oxygen.  Their struggling had turned the sand and the already dark water became murky in the midst of the furiously raging sea.  Kai ignored the stinging sensation he felt as the scratch healed over and his lungs screamed for air even as his mind remained fixed on ending the fight.

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