The natives

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I start driving. We pull over because Jorel has to puke. "Jorel are you ok?" I ask worried. "Yea just a little to much to drink babe." Jorel said while slurring his words. "Ok."

We soon pull into the parkade of my building and we take the elevator. When we get in Mrs. Parker my neighbour is in it. "Hello Mrs. Parker!" I say. "Hello, who is this?" Asks Mrs. Parker. "Hi I'm Jorel, Ambers boyfriend." Jorel says putting his hand out for a hand shake. They shake hands. "Nice to meet you!" Mrs. Parker says. "As for you." Jorel says.

We are on our floor and Jorel stumbles out of the elevator. Mrs. Parker raises an eyebrow. "He had to much to drink." I explain embarrassed. She nods.

We get to my apartment and I unlock the door and there is a note slipped under my door. 'Stay away from her Jorel!' I pass it to Jorel and he says "It must be Danny." "Danny? Why Danny? He doesn't know where I live if anything it's Brandon." I say. "I think Danny has a little crush on you." Jorel says. "Oh, well let's just not worry about it." I say. "Come on let's go to bed." "Ok." Says Jorel.

We walk to my room and I go to the bathroom.


She goes into her bathroom to go get ready for bed. I take off my pants and shirt and just wearing my boxers. She walks out and says. "Jorel do you work out?" She says looking at my chest. "Uh yea me and Matty go once a week usually." I say. "Oh nice!" We climb into bed. I kiss her on the forehead. "Goodnight babe."

notes from the underground [UNDER SERIOUS RE-WRITING]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt