Been to hell

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~ a month later~

It's only 2 weeks until the wedding we got the invites out, place, pastor, caterer, all of the necessary things.

The girl from the coffee place and Danny are dating. Everything is just great. Me and Jorel are going to buy our own place like George and Jordan did when they got married. We have a place planned but the deal is being finalized.

"Amber!" Jorel brings me to attention. "I was thinking.. We should get a cat." He says. "Oh my god we should! Let's go to the shelter later." I say eagerly. "Ok."

~later that day~

We get into Jorels car and we drive to the animal shelter.

We walk in and it's so sad, there are so many animals. The man be hide a desk greets us suspiciously.

"Hello I'm Ted. You are?" He asks. "Hi I'm Jorel Decker and soon to be Amber Decker." Jorel says. "Ok congrats. What kind of animal are you looking for today?" He asks. "A cat." I say. "Ah ok there just over here."

He leads us to a room full of small kennels in the wall. I look around for at least half an hour, all nice cats but one catches my eye. A tortoise shell. I walk over and it starts purring. I like this one. Jorel comes over. He eyes up the cat. "I like this one." He says. "Me too." I say. "That would be tiger , she was dropped off here a year ago because she was wandering the streets." Ted says. "I think we will take her." I say. "Ok let's go do paper work." Says Ted.

~one hour later~

Soon we bring tiger home and when we were there they had supplies so we bought the basics and a cat tree house thing. She really likes it.

notes from the underground [UNDER SERIOUS RE-WRITING]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt