Redrawing crap

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You know when you redraw something really crappy too feel like you've improved even though all you really did was learn how to use the art program and how you only used a crappy art program so you can blame it for the crap you drew?
Only me?

Anyways, remember that hideousness (is that even a word?) here?:

Anyways, remember that hideousness (is that even a word?) here?:

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Yeah... I redrew it:

I feel like the proportions are even worse now

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I feel like the proportions are even worse now....
Yup. Definitely. The head, s way too big...
Oh well...

Also, datfluffybunni... I wasn't lying when I said my bro saved pics of war motorcycles onto my computer....

 I wasn't lying when I said my bro saved pics of war motorcycles onto my computer

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(Okay... that one's a tricycle but still! He wants a tricycle btw)

He wants me to draw something like that but... I FUCKING CANNOT DRAW VEHICLES OF ANY KIND!!!

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