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So, I finally finished the sketch I pormised Dark_Angel_7

And it looks like shit. But I don't care anymore. Spent like 1 and a half hours on it. Take it or leave it, Angel.

Kinda wish Angel had a tail

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Kinda wish Angel had a tail. You can erase it tho -3-

Can't draw Raccoons or "Semmeln" btw. Can't draw at all, in fact.

Soooo, anyone who is only here for art, you may leave now. I'm just going to rant from now on.


You can report me now

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You can report me now. Flag me. Do whatever you please because I broke one of these rules and as soon as I finish giving out the contest prizes, I'll break a second one.

So, may I start ranting now to give y'all a reason to report me XD (btw, I'm somewhat serious. I'm just kinda waiting to be banned so I can end this already. not that I don't like you guys, but everything's been going even more downhill ever since I joined because I spend to much time with being on here and drawing. I think I wouldn't have the motivation to build up another account like this...)

Anyways, prepare for a long ass chapter.

Okay, so have some school stories!
I dunno if you care but my cuts have almost healed again. Almost. Much to my dismay, I'm fucking stupid and thought that no one would notice my cuts anymore. Oh how wrong I was...

So, it got noticed fucking TWICE today and I actually planned to be like "tell the truth, but not the whole truth" and just said that's I did something stupid and this happened. But it didn't work and I just then said, "well, got myself scratched on the wall, I supposed"... yeah... I need to think of some believable excuses... Oh god why is this so hard?! Like, this is one of the main reasons I NEED to stop but I just fucking can't.

...onto the next one! (btw, my bike was fucking frozen over yesterday and I had so many troubles to get it going)

I wrote my arms full of lyrics in one lesson because
1) I was bored as fuck
2) it was an opportunity to try cover up the cuts
3) If you press hard enough, you can feel a little teensy weensy bit of pain. And it was totally worth it

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