Uhmmm... yeah...

74 24 36

*looks at clock* 9 pm... nah, i can do a quicksketch before doing my homework.
*starts sketching*
*is finished to the point where only the face is left to draw*
*looks at clock* half past 11 pm... oh... shit.
*draws awkward face* uhmmmm... yeah...
There. Art.

(Computer screen pictures are beautiful)

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(Computer screen pictures are beautiful)

Btw, this is the sketch:

Trying to get better at anatomy

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Trying to get better at anatomy... isn't working that well...
I'm now scared to ever draw legs again..
And hands are killing me...

So how are you doing today? All good? I hope so :)

Also, I'm thinking about making freak's ears shorter... i dunno why... should i?

Okay, imma do homework now.
See ya in three hours XD
Jk, i only need two.
Hopefully ^^"

I don't wanna ;-;

Freak tried Art (4)Where stories live. Discover now