Because that's totally save...

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I'm so smart

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I'm so smart.

7 cans and counting.

Emptied 4 cans in 2 days.

I need to watch my consuption.

I only drank them in the morning to survive jogging

Man I feel sick...


see the problem is, it looks good when it's like this but as soon as I start to refine it it starts looking crappy as fuck

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see the problem is, it looks good when it's like this but as soon as I start to refine it it starts looking crappy as fuck.... WHYYYYY???? ;A;

Also, just cause I'm in the mood for thi (I wasn't tagged or anything)

Also, just cause I'm in the mood for thi (I wasn't tagged or anything)

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1. single
2. ...yeah
3. Uhhhh.... somewhere between "I don't care" and "I don't wanna get my teeth pulled out"
4. NEVER! These little demons are hell
5. 10 hours ago; fist fight with my brother
6. do kisses on the cheek count?
7. YES
8. I don't do crushes.
9. What's ifunny?
10. tattoo, maybe; piercings, never
11. I like to call myself "emotionally confused", aka "NO I'M NOT DEPRESSED!"
12. I've never even had a crush on the opposite sex, I NEVER HAD A CRUSH
13. Never
14. Pretty much everything, mostly insecure about what impression I make on people
15. Dead
16. Blue, duh
17. Fish, and maybe some turtles in the future
18. That one fish that kept swimming against the glass wall
19. Alcohol from time to time, only very rarely
20. Just answered that
21. No
22. Everyone that died on me
23. Sister that's 8 years older and brother that's 5 years older
24. Not yet
25. Uhhhhh.... I think it was Asterix, it came on TV yesterday...
26. Space Frogs, Die vulgäre Analyse, Doktorant, Grant Thompson, etc.
27. I don't only have one fave song at a time
29. Nah, 14 year olds shouldn't fuck
30. Never will
31. Best thing ever
32. Luckily, there where at least 2 situations in which I could've lost one of them

Okay, whatever, have a nice evening/night/noon/afternoon/morning. Bye ^^

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