Here I go again...

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Hmmmm... are you sure you want to know why I wanted a break?

I'll make it short so you don't have to deal with me any longer:

I'll make it short so you don't have to deal with me any longer:

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Btw, on the funeral at thursday, it rained the whole day. Clichée funeral with lots of black umbrellas and a few colourful ones.

Now I only tell you about all that because... why? Attention? No... more like... I want to let it out. I've stared at this for days now and I'm not over it yet. Maybe I never will. Don't bother with me please. It's just... useless. I don't want to talk about it. There's nothing to talk about anyway. He's just plain dead. What I feel should be obvious. Everything said.

I was just angry at myself for not giving him more attention and I just wanted to scream at someone and cry. Sorry that it hit you in the last chapter. I should've screamed at myself.

In fact, that's what I'm going to do from now on. I'll try to not tell you about anything bad in my life anymore. I migh be a rude bastard but I at least wanna stop being a bother for you.
I'll just go back to talking to myself. ya know, just having a monologue when no one's around or just do it in my head. I'm really sorry for bothering you for almost half a year with ... well, me, I guess.

I suppose, I just wanted to let out what had happened on a day. Because my life never seems to stand still and there's always shit happening. Sadly, often not much pleasing stuff.
I don't have anyone to talk to besides Angel and... honestly, she really has enough problems herself and should never have to deal with mine as well.

Well, I do have something statisfying to say though:
The one who always throws things at me like pens, erasers and books, now has to change classes. He's literally degrading from 9th grade to 8th grade and from next week on out I'll only see him in the hallways, occasionally.

Also, I need to get a tattoo pen. I love the feeling and it's soothing, much better that ripping my skin with screws and sharp pencils (aka my pathetic attempt to not cut).

Hmmm.... I'll try to keep my sad stories or whatever you'd call it in check from now on. I wouldn't want to stay in your mind as "the one girl that always had something to whine about"...

Next chapter will be kind of an... artsy chapter? Like, I'll just post the pics I drew while I was "gone", that's all.

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