Literally counting hours...

51 18 119

You know where in movies people drink from their cup of tea with like their pinky finger raised?
Yeah, i always throught it looked pretty chill yet funny.
And even though i don't drink tea from a cup, I've like trained myself to drink from glasses, mugs and bottles with my pinky finger raised and it's become my habit XD
I'm just saying this cause i just drank from my bottle while drawing and i held it like this:

 And even though i don't drink tea from a cup, I've like trained myself to drink from glasses, mugs and bottles with my pinky finger raised and it's become my habit XDI'm just saying this cause i just drank from my bottle while drawing and i held ...

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And then i remembered.... that I'm weird as fuck; please tell me you have weird habits as well! XD

Also, yes, my room is messy as fuck.
I thought about doing a room tour but my room looks like a tornado broke out XD
And I'm certainly not going to clean up anytime soon, not even for you guys.
But, i guess if you would mind messy rooms i could show you if you want? ;A;

Also, I'm literally counting the hours i have left till morning cause i hate what's coming. I have to help my mom take out all the furniture of my sister's old room so we can paint the walls next weekend DX
At least I'll get a new room....
And i won't have a bunk bed anymore (or whatever you'd call a bunk bed where the lower half was taken out so that you have a bed high up where you can store like a couch under it, you know what i mean?) so at least i can't fall off tge ladder anymore XD
My Stupidity has reached a level i never thought it would....

Btw, you know this situation where you ask someone (online) if something is wrong and they reply with "Nothing..."? I hate that. I never know if they want to talk about it or not! Cause if you actually don't want anyone to worry then you'd be like "Everything's fine ^^", right? At least that's what i do because it's the internet and if you're using enough happy emoticons then no one will suspect a thing! But I'm always worried that they don't want to talk about it and then snap at me saying that they told me thry were okay and that this "..." was just an indicator of "you're annyoing me, this talk is over"
It's frustrating. So, like, if anyone wants to talk about their problems, that's fine, come to me, you can also just talk to me whenever, just don't give me too vague responses cause it's always a struggle.

Oh right! Art! Almost forgot about that ^^"

I can't handle photoshop elements ;A;Also, i use this term in combination with that gesture WAY too often so I thought I'd draw it

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I can't handle photoshop elements ;A;
Also, i use this term in combination with that gesture WAY too often so I thought I'd draw it.... XD

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