There! I did what you told me to do!

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Another shitpost but look!

Another shitpost but look!

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I did what you always tell me to do

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I did what you always tell me to do.
Badly patched up tho.
I only covered tge bleeding parts.
It was much fun, honestly X3
Putting the band aids on, of course.

What am i doing with my life? ;A;

My parents have set tge Wifi so that it'll turn off at midnight.

My teenager rebelliousness is breaking through.

I'm thinking bout buying a Rooter.

It'd totally be worth the money.

And then the electricity costs will rise again :3

Don't look at me like that.
I have an even harder time with falling asleep now, thanks to them!
It's easier for me to fall asleep when listening to someone talking, apparently.

I hate it so much!

Also, random thing my sleep deprived mind finds really funny:
Me: *almost dalls over twice while running and gets hit with a volley ball straight in the face but keeps going cause fuck it, pain is always welcome*
Everyone: you okay?
Me: Mh-hm *looks away cause close to crying cause volleyball hurts like bitch, especially when you have glasses on*
Everyone: okay

Girl that is not me: *gets hit with a soft ball*
Me: .... OH GOD ARE YOU OKAY?! *speed runs towards her*

Yeah, i find that pretty funny. Like, cause i always react way to late and stuff... and....
I don't think you get the joke ;A;

Anyway, wish you a good night! ^^
Imma now make homework. And I'll keep doing it this late to fuck my parents off.
I'm also not even gonna try to sleep tonight.
Fuck you, parents and give me my WLAN back or I'll catapult the costs into heights you couldn't imagine cause I'll leave my PC running the whole night to listen to music from the library.

I'm pissed off if you haven't noticed yet. I'm easily triggered right now.

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