My relatives thoughts on my art

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Okay, so we ordered pizza and because I took my pencil with me to the table, I drew on the pizza cartons. And of course my drawings became the main theme to talk about....

Okay, i realize that this is absolute complete trash, no doubt

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Okay, i realize that this is absolute complete trash, no doubt. No matter how hard it is to draw on pizza cartons and even the fact that my wrist is hurt won't get me out of this because it's shit. But my mom thought this was a girl. I don't get it? How?? He has broad shoulders and slim hips so that's male and what?!
Also, this is apparently a sun according to my grandma:

 I don't get it? How?? He has broad shoulders and slim hips so that's male and what?!Also, this is apparently a sun according to my grandma:

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Cool. Cool cool.

See? I can't draw. People irl are most likely honest with me because they don't have the time to fake their reaction and no reason to...

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