*cough* *cough* ahemmmm...

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This just popped into my head so I took the 20 minutes to draw this...

This just popped into my head so I took the 20 minutes to draw this

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I just HAD to ;^;

Shadowpawrules, I just couldn't resist....

He's just so god damn cute!!!1!!!one!!!eleven!!11!

It's your fault for making him so cute. (btw, I still need a nickname for you, Shadowpawrules, I really do)

Btw, that in the background is supposed to be Taichi XD (yes, I actually tried on this, please don't kill me XD)

I got his arm wrong.... (Rojin's arm, I mean)

Okay okay, I'll go back to the art trade right away! sorry for getting off track. I just thought of this while watching Vampire Diaries (don't question my train of thoughts. I don't know how I got to this, either. I mean, I can go from a talk about anime, to boyfriends, to make up, to my sleeping rhythm, to plushies, and back to anime all within one hour so...)

Awwwrrrrrghhh, getting off track again! Okay, Imma go back to drawing for real now! Bye ^^"

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