How did you put up with me that whole time??

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I just looked throught this book again...

Holy crap have I always been this weak? I mean, c'mon, that's just stupid.

Why did I post pictures of my scratches? (Almost gone, I promise! I haven't scratched or cut in so long that I lost count of the days! :3)

Why did I feel the need to post every little pityful thing?

I mean, look, I could do that right now. Right damn now, but I won't cause I'm over it.

I dunno why, but I feel a whole lot better.

Even though the funeral pulled me down, made me sad and what not, I almost feel happy now.

I mean, I miss him a lot but I realised, I'm much stronger than I thought I'd be.

Look at me, I'm still alive, still doing the same thing as a year ago, still an asshole that pretends to be nice, still using emoticons to look as happy as possible.

Though I wish I could go back to being a little cutie:

Though I wish I could go back to being a little cutie:

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Oh god, remember the times where I was so unbelieveably proud to have been noticed that I had to point out every second chapter how many reads and votes the book had? Yeah...

Okay, back to the original theme!

I think I just wanna say... thanks, for sticking with me this long!

This book is kinda nearing its end, I dunno if I'll make another one.
Everyone is leaving me and I feel kinda lonely but that's okay cause I still have a use! ^^
I just dunno if art really is that fun anymore.
I kinda get picked on for it at school cause I can't draw that well and it kinda makes me loose the faith that I'll eventually get better.

We'll see.

Well, if you guys didn't lie then you'll supposedly stick with me even if there's no art for you, right? Jk, you don't have to stay at all, I'm not expecting you to.

Anyway, I just wanted to say sorry for being such an ungrateful bastard towards you guys...

Anyway, I just wanted to say sorry for being such an ungrateful bastard towards you guys

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