Two: Berk

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Hiccups POV:

I sat in my room as my father was at work. He was police chief, and he was always at work. Berk was such a small island, not many people but we had great schools, and a great economy. My friends, Fishlegs, Heather, Snotlout, and the twins Ruffnut and Tuffnut were in there way over to my house.

We played basketball in the driveway. It was so easy to win since I was the tallest, although Heather is a close second.  I shot another 3-pointer and my friends sighed.
"That makes 21! I win I said. Heather just took the ball from me. She threw it in the garage, and grabbed the football.
We began to throw it. Snotlout, my friend and cousin brought up my father.

"How's Uncle Stoick?" Snotlout asked.
"I don't know.. he's always working." I told him catching Fishlegs throw and throwing off to Heather.
"Still bugging you about the station?" Tuffnut asked. Ruffnut rolled her eyes.
"Yup... I still want to be a writer. That won't change!" I told me friends.

Then, a limo drove into my neighbour Valarie's driveway. The door swung open, and out came a beautiful girl. She grabbed a few pieces of luggage, and went into the house. We kept playing.
I couldn't stop thinking about that girl. Valarie has been telling my dad about how her niece was moving in with her.

Later that night, my friends ordered a pizza to my house and so we ate in the basement. It was a Friday, so it was game night. I thought about inviting Valarie's niece. So I got in my shoes, and told my friends that I'd be back.

Astrid's POV

There was a knock on the door.
"Astrid could you grab it, I'm just doing something." Valarie asked. So I got up, and got the door. A boy was standing there. Aunt Valarie told me about the neighbour that was my age.
"Hi..." I said. Valarie then came down the stairs.

"Astrid, this is Hiccup, he lives next door. And Hiccup this is my niece Astrid." Valarie told us. We shook hands and Hiccup spoke.
"I'm having a game night with my friends. I was wondering if Astrid would like to join us... you know meet some people!" Hiccup said smiling.

"Sure." I told him. I put on my high tops and walked over with him. We entered the front hall, and went downstairs. The houses were bigger than anything in the city! It was amazing!
"Guys this is Astrid, she jut moved in next door. Astrid this is Heather, Fishlegs, Snotlout, and then the twins Ruffnut and Tuffnut." Hiccup told me.
"Hi..." I said. I sat down, and Hiccup sat beside me.

"Up for a game of Truth or Dare? That is if you can handle it!" Heather asked me.
"I'm in!" I told them. It was pretty extreme, but still fun! I'm all for living on the edge! What's the point of life if not taking risks?

"Astrid, truth or dare?" Snotlout asked me. "Um... truth." I told him. He thought for a minute. Then he smiled.
"What is your biggest fear?" Snotlout asked.
"Um... To loose someone else I'm close to. Otherwise I'm not afraid of anything." I told them. The game continued, and it was fun. I got to learn about my new friends. Once everyone went home, Valarie allowed me to stay later to get to know Hiccup better.

When Stoick, Hiccup's dad came in, he sounded a lot like me dad.
"Hiccup! It's about time you join us at the station! It's what your meant to do!" Stoick said to Hiccup. My dad wanted the same thing... up until last week. I was introduced to Stoick then Hiccup and I went to his room to talk.

It was weird, being in a boy I just met's room,I haven't even seen my room in my Aunts house.
"What was that about?" I asked Hiccup.
"My dad is police chief. All he wants is for me to join the the line of Haddock Police chiefs." Hiccup told me.
"Well what do you want to do?" I asked him.

"Well... I want to write. I love writing stories, or about places I've been." Hiccup told me.
"I can relate! Ever heard of Hofferson and Hofferson?" I asked. Hiccups eyes got wide.
"Of course! That company does everything! I'd love to work there!" Hiccup said all excited. I chuckled.
"My dad own the company... all he want to do is leave the company to me... but it's not my thing!" I told Hiccup.

"What do you want to be?" Hiccup asked me. I smiled and sat beside him on his bed.
"A photographer. I want to travel to different places, and photograph them!" I said. I went on my camera roll, and e grabbed a journal. We switched. I looked a some of his stuff, and he looked at mine.

"These are beautiful!" He said looking at a picture of a sunset at in the city.
"Thanks! These are amazing!" I said reading an article he wrote
"Who knows, maybe one day if you take the picture, I'll write the story!" Hiccup said to me. He handed me my phone, and I smiled.

"My Mom use to say that." I said to him.
"My mom told me to go for my dreams. But she died just after the 8th grade." Hiccup told me looking at his phone. His background was him and his mom.
"At least you knew she loved you. My mom always told me to go for my dreams. Then my best friend died, and I did some stupid things. My mom was so disappointed in me she left. I was 13." I told him.

"I'm sorry." Hiccup said grabbing me hand. I took out my phone and put my arm over his shoulder.
"What are you doing?" He asked me confused.
"A selfie... for memories!" I said. We smiled and took the picture. He took my phone and put in his number, I did the same.

I then went home. I went into my room, which was huge, and unpacked. Living here would be better than I thought.

Hope you're enjoying the story! It's my very first one, so please don't hate! Let me know if there is any spelling or grammar mistakes! Thank you so much!

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